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For all practical purposes, Lonsdale Passage, though it's only a mile away, is as much separated from this spot as New York is from London. Well that's the man I told you of, sir." The man in question drank off the remaining contents of his glass, nodded to the landlord, and walked out. And Viner was suddenly minded to do something towards getting information. "Look here!" he said.

Barleyfield, who had obviously attired himself in his Sunday raiment for the purposes of his call, and had further shown respect for the occasion by wearing a black cravat, smiled as he looked from the two ladies to Viner. "Well, Mr. Viner," he answered, "I'll tell you what it is it may help a bit in clearing up things, for I understand there's a great deal of mystery about Mr. Ashton's death.

"So good of you good-bye for the present, then." "Good-bye," said Viner. He hurried away into the hall, snatched up a hat, and letting himself out of the house, ran to the nearest cab-stand and beckoned to a chauffeur who often took him about. "I want to get along to Mirrapore Street, Whitechapel Road," he said, as he sprang into the car. "Do you know whereabouts it is?"

I can, at this distant day, recall Scene 1st, Act 1st, of the drama that continued while we were crossing the ocean, with the slight interruption of a few days, produced by sea-sickness. "Wallace," said Sarah, "did you say, yesterday, that John Viner had refused to lend his daughter's husband twenty thousand dollars, to get him out of his difficulties, and that he failed in consequence?"

I see your point, sir to introduce the idea that there's more to this than the police think." When the two callers had gone, Mr. Pawle turned to Viner. "Now, my friend," he said, "you've already sent your own solicitor to Hyde, haven't you? Who is he, by the by?" "Felpham, of Chancery Lane," replied Viner. "Excellent man! Now," said Mr.

"Couldn't tell you that, guv'nor, d'yer see," said the lad, "'cause he's one o' them gents what allus wears a white silk handkercher abaht his face up to his eyes. But he's a big man wears black clothes." Viner gave the boy his promised reward, and was passing on when Miss Wickham touched his arm. "Ask if he's seen a lady go out this way," she said. "That's equally important."

Viner made a sudden grimace. "Don't!" he said. "Ugh! I've seen things tonight that I never wished to see! And I wish " "What?" demanded Miss Penkridge after a pause, during which Viner had sat staring at the floor. "I wish to God I'd never seen that poor devil who was running away!" exclaimed Viner with sudden passion.

Darrow, as he hurried off on this errand, had at once perceived the opportunity it offered of a word with Sophy Viner. What that word was to be he did not know; but now, if ever, was the moment to make it urgent and conclusive. It was unlikely that he would again have such a chance of unobserved talk with her.

And lately it's gone from bad to worse you know, or rather I suppose you don't know, because you've never been in that fix pawning everything, and so on, until well, I haven't had a penny in my pockets for days now!" "Your relations?" questioned Viner. "Didn't want them to know," answered Hyde.

"Now, Richard, smoke your cigar, and think no more about all this till tomorrow." Viner flung himself into an easy-chair. "All right!" he said. "Don't bother! It's been a bit of a facer, but " He was astonished when he woke the next morning, much later than was his wont, to find that he had not dreamed about the events of the midnight.