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I stood to be shot by either you or my Christian friends, said Jack; 'and upon my soul I feel that I have played them a dirty trick. 'Not a bit of it, said I. 'You have done your country, and especially us, a great service by helping to rid the world of a few murderous thieves and cunning assassins. "'Oh, damn it! interjected Jack, 'I cannot allow you to call us such villanous names as that.

One lame man with a villanous countenance, who was brought in while I was there, was accused of being a chef de barricade, and having been taken in the act. He was put through a short sharp fire of cross-examination, his pockets emptied and his clothes felt, and he was then hurried off to take his place in the ranks of the condemned ones that are forwarded to Versailles.

At last the plentiful crops with which it pleased Providence to bless these kingdoms, the prodigious quantities of corn imported from foreign countries, and the wise measures of the legislature, broke all the villanous schemes set on foot by the forestallers and engrossers, and reduced the price of corn to the usual standard.

Meanwhile, Quasimodo had caught up with him, and had boldly grasped his horse's bridle: "Follow me, captain; there is one here who desires to speak with you! "Cornemahom!" grumbled Phoebus, "here's a villanous; ruffled bird which I fancy I have seen somewhere. Hola master, will you let my horse's bridle alone?" "Captain," replied the deaf man, "do you not ask me who it is?"

Suddenly, without looking up, he dropped into the pig-pen the remark: "I'm very much obliged to you for writing me, Meg." "I don't know whether to feel more like a virtuous sister or a villanous aunt," sighed Mrs.

An ordinary boy would have broken into a flood of explanations and palliations, but Owen simply bowed, and said nothing. "He stood there for justice," and he had counted the cost. Strong-minded and clear-headed, he calculated correctly that the momentary dislike of his schoolfellows, with whom he well knew that he never could be popular, would be less unbearable than Barker's villanous insults.

There can be little doubt that he mistrusted our intentions, and feared we might attempt to kidnap him and his crew; for the whites have, in too many cases, behaved in a most villanous manner to the inhabitants of these islands, who are, as a rule to which there are of course exceptions a kind and gentle people.

No disguise, however, can conceal the sbirro. His look, so unmistakeably villanous, proclaims the spy. These fellows will not be defeated in their purposes. They carry, it is said, articles of conviction, that is, political papers, on their person, which they use, in lack of other material, to compass the ruin of their victim.

"To make my tale short this wretched hag this Margaret Murdockson, was the wife of a favourite servant of my father she had been my nurse her husband was dead she resided in a cottage near this place she had a daughter who grew up, and was then a beautiful but very giddy girl; her mother endeavoured to promote her marriage with an old and wealthy churl in the neighbourhood the girl saw me frequently She was familiar with me, as our connection seemed to permit and I in a word, I wronged her cruelly It was not so bad as your sister's business, but it was sufficiently villanous her folly should have been her protection.

The man was blear-eyed, with a hare-lip, through which protruded two dreadful yellow teeth that resembled the tusks of a boar. The woman was long-faced, high cheek-boned, red-haired, and freckled all over like a toad. The boy resembled his hideous mother, but with the addition of a villanous obliquity of vision which rendered him the most disgusting object in this singular trio.