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The positions of both Dick and his uncle were most uncomfortable ones, and the youth was ready to groan aloud at the strain put upon his shoulders through having his arms tied behind him. At last they heard footsteps approaching from the opposite end of the rambling building. "Somebody at last!" cried Dick. He had scarcely spoken when Captain Villaire appeared, followed by Dan Baxter!

It ees a good head you have verra good," murmured Captain Villaire. "Do you know, I heara dem talk about you?" "Did you? What did they say?" "De one boy say you should be in ze jail; didn't you robba somebody." "He had better keep his mouth shut." "You lika do somet'ing wid me?" continued the French native, closing one eye suggestively.

But Tom was equal to the occasion, and after the first onslaught he turned, as if summoning help from the cliff. "This way!" he cried. "Tell the company to come up here and the other company can surround the swamp!" Several pistol shots rang out, and the boys saw a Frenchman go down with a broken arm. Then Captain Villaire shouted: "We have been betrayed we must flee!"

Villaire had been watching the Rovers for two days when he noticed the coldness which seemed to exist between, our friends and Baxter. At once he threw himself in Baxter's way and began to it pump the youth regarding the Americans. "Zay are going into the interior, you have remarked," he said in very bad English. "Are zay verra rich people?" "Yes, they are well fixed," answered the tall youth.

"Now march, or you will be shot," came in bad English from one of the Villaire party. And as there seemed nothing better to do they marched, wondering why they had been attacked and where they were to be taken. Their arms had been confiscated, so further resistance was useless. When Dick lagged behind he received a cruel blow on the back which nearly sent him headlong.

Taking the Rovers into one of the apartments of the dilapidated building they tied each to the logs of the walls, one several yards from the other. "Now you must wait until Captain Villaire returns," said the leader of the party in French. He will be here before daylight." "But what does this mean?" demanded Randolph Rover.

"Zat ees it," put in Captain Villaire. "How mooch morlish you bring wid you from America?" "We didn't bring much," answered Randolph Rover, who began to smell a mouse. "How mooch?" "About two hundred pounds." "Humph, a thousand dollars!" sneered Baxter. "That won't do at all." "You must haf brought more!" cried the French brigand angrily. "Not much more."

"Ve vill speak apout you." "Did Baxter put up this plot against us? queried Dick. "To be sure I did," answered Baxter, who loved to brag just as much as ever. "And before I let you go I'm going to make you pay up dearly for all that I have suffered. Captain Villaire, have you had them searched?" he asked, turning again to his companion. "Yees, Baxter, but za had not mooch monish wid zem."

"Very much," answered Villaire in French. "If You are Mr. Randolph Rover, are you not?" "I am." "And this is one of your nephews?" "Yes." "I believe you are hunting for the young man's father?" went on Villaire. "We are. Do you know anything of him?" demanded Randolph Rover eagerly. "I do. He sent me to you." "He sent you!" cried Randolph Rover in amazement. "He is, then, alive?"

"Bind them, men," ordered Villaire sternly. "And bind them well, so that escape is impossible." "Run for the house, Aleck!" yelled, out Dick, before those on top of him could choke him off. "Save Tom and Sam! "I will!" came from the faithful black. And off he sped at top speed, with three or four of Captain Villaire's party after him.