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So, you see, ven Judy died, and Harry was scragged, I vas the only von living who vas up to the secret; and vhen Mother Lob vas a taking a drop to comfort her vhen Judy vent off, I hopens a great box in which poor Judy kept her duds and rattletraps, and surely I finds at the bottom of the box hever so many letters and sick like, for I knew as 'ow they vas there; so I vhips these off and carries 'em 'ome with me, and soon arter, Mother Lob sold me the box o' duds for two quids 'cause vy?

The Baron looks puzzled. "I know not dthat kind of hat. Ees it like vhat you tell me about vhen I first see you dthat 'Robeen Hood'?" I stand still in the quiet street and wake a far-off echo with my laughter. The Peruvian gets red in the face and begins to look offended.

The man of science, in fact, simply uses with scrupulous exactness the methods which we all, habitually and at every moment, use carelessly; and the man of business must as much avail himself of the scientific method must be as truly a man of science as the veriest bookworm of us all; though I have no doubt that the man of business will find himself out to be a philosopher with as much surprise as M. Jourdain exhibited vhen he discovered that he had been all his life talking prose.

"Hugo an' me," he began again, very slowly and softly, "ve vent off north from here, a year an' a half it is now, after de ice she vent off de lakes. And ve trafel long vays, most far as vhere de Albany she come down in James Bay. Ve vos lookin' for silfer an' copper an' tings like dat. An' dere come one day vhen ve gets awful rough water on a lake and ve get upset.

Don't she get everytin' vere she is? I do all de schoolin' and de clothes and Aunty Gossburger look after her. Vhen she gets older maybe perhaps she vould like a trip. And den maybe ve both go and leave you here to mind de shop in de summer-time. But now she's notin' but jus' Beesving, vid her head full of skippin' aroun'. No, I don't tink I can do dat for you.

So we begin the "Conquest of Mexico." Towards evening I emerge from retirement, and Baron de Bach drops from somewhere at my side. "Gude-efening, Mademoiselle. You haf us long deserted." I explain that my friend is not well. "But she vill make you ill vhen you stay inside. I vill tell her." "In French it may be safe, but don't attempt it in English." He looks mystified.

"Vhen you stays in dis coontry for a vhiles den you can eat like a goot feller and not like a little bird," Stefan assured her, comfortingly. "Den you get nice and fat, and red on de cheeks, and strong." Mrs. Olsen was still smiling at her, as she sat with plump hands folded on an ample stomach. The two children had become used to her and came near. A seat was given to her near the stove.

And vhen dhey had surrendered he exchanged dhem to Matadi for slaves t'ree slaves for every white man so dat Matadi might have plenty of victims white victims dhey consider very good for de annual de annual what you call it, eh? festa." "Festival, I suppose you mean," said I, with an involuntary shudder. "And, pray, Senor Lobo, do you happen to know the date of this festival?"

It looks like roguery, all roundt." "I believe it is that, and nothing else! As you say, the State will examine into the title as it is, and there is no need of any laws about it." "Would der State, dink you, pass a law dat might inquire into de demandts dat are made against der batroons, vhen der tratesmen sent in deir bills?" "I should like to see any patroon ask sich a thing!

Vhen I stood at dthe ship and see you coming abord du San Miguel I vas so happy, for I haf fear for a dull voyage." "H'm! You fancy then I may entertain you?" "Mademoiselle!" Very reproachful is the droop of the long lashes. "It ess my gude hope ve may be friends, and if I succeed to amuse you, I am content