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As soon as he saw the men, Cosmo Versal had run down to the lowest deck, and ordered the opening of a gangway on that side. When the door swung back he found himself within a few yards of the swamped boat, but ten feet above its level.

Petersburg, flashed dispatches announcing that the same unreasonable slump had manifested itself there, and all united in holding Cosmo Versal solely responsible for the foolish break in prices. Leaders of finance rushed to the exchanges trying by arguments and expostulations to arrest the downfall, but in vain.

The women especially were overwhelmed by it. But they did not wish to dwell upon it, and Cosmo Versal did not wish that they should. At night he had musicians play in the grand saloon; he distributed books among the passengers from a large library which he had selected; and at last he had the stage set, and invited his friends, the players, to entertain the company.

I shall never see her again." "What has happened?" demanded Captain Arms. "It was the Father of Horror," muttered Cosmo Versal. "The Father of Horror what's that?" "Why, the Great Sphinx," returned Cosmo, gradually recovering his breath. "Didn't you know that that was what the Arabs always called the Sphinx?

He had not even replied to Cosmo's invitation, but that was simply because, like everybody about him in whom he placed confidence, he regarded Cosmo Versal as a mere mountebank, and thought that there was no more danger of a flood that would cover the earth than of the fall of the moon out of the sky.

They were almost immediately joined by several other conspirators conducting Joseph Smith, bound and gagged. They held a short consultation, and Campo, with many curses, declared that Cosmo Versal must be caught at all hazards. "The big-headed fiend!" he cried, gnashing his teeth. "Let me get my grippers on him and I'll squelch him like a bug!"

The President mused for a time, and gradually a frown came upon his brow. He glanced at Professor Pludder with a singular look. Then his cheek reddened, and an angry expression came into his eyes. Suddenly he turned to the professor and said sternly: "You said you did not wish to discuss Cosmo Versal. I should not think you would! Who predicted this deluge? Did you?"

"Nothing but an encounter with a watery nebula could have had such a result." "But you always said " began the President. "Yes," Pludder broke in, "but one may be in error sometimes." "Then, Cosmo Versal " "Let us not discuss Cosmo Versal," exclaimed Professor Pludder, with a return of his old dictatorial manner.

But before we tell that story we must return to see what was going on at Mineola. Cosmo Versal, on that awful night when New York first knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, or the gleam of a hope, that it was doomed, presided over a remarkable assembly in the grand saloon of his ark. How did it happen that Cosmo Versal was able to inform the mob when it assailed the ark that he had no room left?

The afternoon newspapers issued specials which were all about the coming flood, and everywhere one heard the cry of the newsboys: "Extra-a-a! Drowning of a Thousand Million people! Cosmo Versal predicts the End of the World!"