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Hitherto the atmosphere had always been perfectly clear, but now it was thick and cold, the horizon wearing that gray, heavy aspect which in Europe precedes a fall of snow. No one, however, ventured to pronounce this word; it appeared an occurrence so unlikely in the plain, at such a season and under such a latitude.

He represented to them quietly that he could not place both the dead bodies in the hollow melon, and that one of them must help him that what he ventured they might also venture; but they denied perseveringly, and no one appeared ready to lend a helping hand.

I began to consider the adventure as practically achieved; and regarding Mademoiselle de la Vire as already in effect transferred to the care of M. de Rosny, I ventured to turn my thoughts to the development of my own plans and the choice of a haven in which I might rest secure from the vengeance of M. de Turenne.

"Not I. He has only fainted. The better for him if he never came out of it again." I felt a hand within my tunic. "Matteo is right," said a voice. "His heart beats like a hammer. Let him lie and he will soon find his senses." I waited for a minute or so and then I ventured to take a stealthy peep from between my lashes.

"Perhaps she er didn't get your telegram," ventured Dickey. "What sort of a looking I mean, is she old or young?" "Neither; she is just my age," smiled Lady Saxondale. Dickey dumbly permitted the rare chance for a compliment to slip by. "Jane, won't you and Mr. Savage undertake a search for her? I will give William directions regarding the luggage." She turned to the man and the maids, and Mr.

There was exactly a foot toes, heel, and every part of a foot. How it came thither I knew not; but I hurried home, looking behind me at every two or three steps, and mistaking every bush and tree, fancying every stump to be a man. I had no sleep that night; but my terror gradually wore off, and after some days I ventured down to the beach to take measure of the footprint by my own.

He ventured to speak to her more than once about her tendency to "drift." He told me of one conversation in particular. "I think you have too many friends," he said to her once, at the conclusion of an evening party at her own house. They were sitting in a balcony looking out on to the square, where the trees were stirring in the light morning wind. "That's curious," she said.

"Undoubtedly I shall do so, unless I dispose of it this morning. When we were at Noningsby together, I ventured to tell you what I felt for you " "Did you, Mr. Staveley? If your feelings were anything beyond the common, I don't remember the telling." "And then," he continued, without choosing to notice her words, "you affected to believe that I was not in earnest in what I said to you."

Some even ventured to whisper words of comfort to her as she went along, although by doing so they imperilled their own lives, and one young man, utterly regardless of consequences, walked boldly by her side, speaking to her of the Saviour, till the place of execution was reached.

This suggestion was answered by Jackson, who was now really alarmed, with a volley of oaths and execrations, ending with a fiat refusal. The crew of the brig murmured, and collected together forward, looking occasionally at the men-of-war as they spoke in whispers to each other; but they were afraid of Jackson's violence, and none ventured to speak out.