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I once knew a Monsieur Vane, a distinguished parliamentary orator." "That gentleman is his son would you like to be introduced to him?" "Not to-day I am in some hurry." Here Victor lifted his hat in parting salutation, and as he walked away cast at Graham another glance keen and scrutinising. "I have seen that man before," he muttered, "where? when? can it be only a family likeness to the father?

Hamilton Tooting was writing the noble part of that inaugural from memoranda given him by the Honourable Hilary Vane. Yes, the versatile Mr. Tooting, and none other, doomed forever to hide the light of his genius under a bushel! The financial part was written by the Governor-general himself the Honourable Hilary Vane.

He plucked up a little spirit, and added: "Now you see of how little importance you really are in the community; you have been gone these three weeks, and your own pastor didn't know you were out of town." "Yes, you did, David," interposed his wife. "I told you Miss Vane was away two weeks ago." "Did you? Well I forgot it immediately; the fact was of no consequence, one way or the other.

He has no idea of this, but it doesn't lessen my obligation. By the way, it struck me that in many respects Miss Vane is rather like her brother." "Lucy is opinionative, and now and then embarrassingly candid, but she leads a life that most of us would shrink from.

To his intense annoyance Vane found himself colouring slightly, and at the same moment he became acutely aware that a pair of grey eyes were fixed on him from the other side of the table. "She is nursing at Etaples, I believe," he answered casually, but a soft gurgle of laughter told him it was useless. "Captain Vane, Dad, is the soul of discretion," mocked Joan.

Mr Vane was anxious to return to his work, Edith to her husband and children; and the doctor pronounced Margot strong enough to bear the journey in the comfortable invalid carriage which had been provided. Preparations were therefore made for an early start, and poor Elspeth made happy by such a wholesale legacy of garments as composed a very trousseau in the estimation of the Glen.

She insisted on having every report of the trial read to her; and ever since the conviction she has grown weaker, until the doctor says that she can hardly outlast the week. Oh, that wicked man that murderer has much to answer for!" said Miss Vane, clasping her hands passionately together. Hubert was silent; his eyebrows were drawn down over his eyes, his face was strangely white.

"Why," said he, "I have shipped a man at such an island, who was cast away in a trading sloop, and he seems to be a brisk hand." "I tell you," replied Captain Holford, "it is Vane the notorious pirate." "If it be he," cried the other, "I won't keep him." "Why then," said Holford, "I'll send and take him aboard, and surrender him at Jamaica."

Though he knew that Sally had extracted a promise from Vane to meet her in Spring Gardens, he was by no means certain that Vane would keep his word. But Rofflash was never without resources, and he thought he could devise a plan to bring the meeting about. His scheme proved easier to execute than he expected. Vane unconsciously played into his hands.

You can't possibly make anything more out of it, aunt Leonora" with a stormy glance. "I think you had better not try." Miss Vane sat for a moment or two in deep meditation. "Well," she said at length, "that may be true, and I may be an old fool. Perhaps I ought not to betray the girl to her brother either; but "