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T'ey stood in t'e market place and no man vanted t'em; or else t'ey are fools as vell as failures and sent t'e men avay. You know me. I am biologist, not true? I hate t'e vord. I am physiologist, student of t'e nature of life all kinds of life, t'e ocean of life of v'ich man is but a petty incident." "You were speaking about " "Ach, so!

I shall gif it. I do not know if t'e human type is t'e highest t'at eart' is capable of supporting, but it is t'e highest present type, and it shall be my vork to gif it t'at for v'ich it has hungered and t'irsted, and towards v'ich slowly it has groped its vay; it shall be my vork to gif humanity beauty and perfection." The light that illumined his yellow, wrinkled face made me cry out:

But I never seen a finer figger of a man than Corporal Dick height, six foot six and a quarter, chest, fifty-eight and a narf, and sir 'e were a-going to drownd it all in the River, all along o' losing his 'and and being drove out o' the army, v'ich vould ha' been a great vaste of good material, as ye might say, seeing as there's so much of 'im.

"V'ich means as I'm vanted, ah! and vanted precious qvick too," saying which, Mr. Shrig caught up his "castor," seized the nobbly stick, crossed to the door, and came back again. "Dick," said he, "I'll get you to look after my little reader for me, I ain't a-going to risk losing it again." "Right you are, Jarsper," nodded the Corporal. "And sir," continued Mr.

"So you turned honest and married her?" said Barnabas, as Mr. Shrig paused. "No, sir, I turned honest and she married a coal-v'ipper, v'ich, though it did come a bit 'ard on me at first, vos all for the best in the end, for she deweloped a chaffer, as you might say, a tongue, d' ye see, sir, and I'm vun as is fond of a quiet life, v'en I can get it.

And werry vell you're a-doing vith it, for both of us." "I do my best, Jarsper." "V'ich couldn't be bettered, Dick. Then look how you 'elp me vith my cases." "Do I, Jarsper?" said the Corporal, his blue eyes shining. "That you do, Dick. And now I've got another case as I'm a-vaiting for, a extra-special Capital case it is too!" "Another murder, Jarsper?"