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Retaliation for violations of the usages of civilized warfare, of which Filipinos at first were guilty through their Spanish training, could not be entirely prevented, but this retaliation contrasted strikingly with the Filipinos' unhappy past experiences with Spanish soldiers.

The two foregoing descriptions exhibit the native funeral ceremonies as practised at Perth, and at the Vasse on the sea-coast to the south of Perth. I shall now add a third description of the usages at King George's Sound as given by Mr. Scott Nind in the first volume of the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society page 46: Their funeral solemnities are accompanied by loud lamentations.

The Indian tribes in the Lower and in the Middle Status of barbarism represent two of the great stages of progress from savagery to civilization. Our own remote forefathers passed through the same conditions, one after the other, and possessed, there can scarcely be a doubt, the same, or very similar institutions, with many of the same usages and customs.

It ought to be stated here, that two of the most effective advocates of the anti-slavery cause are females the Misses Grimké natives of South Carolina brought up in the midst of the usages of slavery most intelligently acquainted with the merits of the system, and qualified, in an eminent degree, to communicate their views to others in public addresses.

He knows the countries from which they come, the adaptation of soils and climates to their raising, the skill of the cultivators, the shipping usages, the effect of transportation by land and sea on raw materials, and on manufactured articles, with all the mysteries of insurance allowances and usages, the debentures on exportation, and the duties on importation, in his own and in other lands.

Appeal could be always made to the military chief at the headquarters of the district, but, as a matter of fact, the people generally managed their affairs among themselves, in accordance with their old usages and laws. Military councils tried criminal cases according to English law. While the French Canadians were in the enjoyment of rest on the banks of the St.

The Marquis de Saint-Meran, one of the most zealous and faithful dignitaries of Louis XVIII. and King Charles X., had preserved a great number of friends, and these, added to the personages whom the usages of society gave Villefort a claim on, formed a considerable body. Due information was given to the authorities, and permission obtained that the two funerals should take place at the same time.

The connection of morals with religion in the more advanced peoples is close. In this regard a distinction is to be made between the creation and the adoption and treatment of ethical ideals. +1162+. Ethical codes are never created by religion but are always adopted by it from current usages and ideas.

So long as this ceremony is delayed, or mutilated, they fancy that their obedience is a matter of mere prudence, liable to be enforced by arms, but not consecrated either by law or by religion. The change made by James was, therefore, highly imprudent; shorn of its antique traditionary usages, the yoke of conscience was lightened at a moment when it required a double ratification.

A committee of seven members were, on the receipt of His Excellency's answer, appointed to search for the precedents and parliamentary usages alluded to by the Governor-in-Chief, with instructions to report speedily.