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Then Ursula, with a cry of apprehension, rushed downstairs, and the others after her. Betsy, alarmed, had come out of the kitchen, followed by her assistant, and was standing frightened, but irresolute; for Mr. May was not a man to be disturbed with impunity. And this might be nothing the falling of a chair or a table, and nothing more. "What is it?" cried Ursula, in an anxious whisper.

"The Dorsets wouldn't recognise me, nor Miss May either," Phoebe said to herself, "if they knew " But Ursula looked so wistful as they approached each other that she had not the courage to keep to this wise resolution. Though she was only the granddaughter of Tozer, the butterman, she was much more a woman of the world than this pretty blushing girl who courted her notice.

I should go mad, I think, if I had nothing to do." "But you have more brain and more strength, you see, than we have; and besides, we are used to it," said Phoebe. "I am afraid, Ursula, grandmamma will want me, and I must go." Here Mr. May said something to his daughter which filled Ursula with excitement, mingled of pleasure and displeasure.

But, curiously enough, this was not so; and his first sensation was relief that the conflict was over, and that he had no more angry remonstrances to meet with, or soft pleadings from Ursula, or assaults of rude abruptness from Janey. All that was over; and then a warm glow of independence and competency came over the young man.

He seemed to be the very stuff of the underworld of life. There was no going beyond him. Ursula too was attracted by Loerke. In both sisters he commanded a certain homage. But there were moments when to Ursula he seemed indescribably inferior, false, a vulgarism. Both Birkin and Gerald disliked him, Gerald ignoring him with some contempt, Birkin exasperated.

The festival was drawing to an end, and when I had danced the last dance, and was looking about me, I beheld to my amazement Ursula Tetzel in eager speech with Junker Henning.

Isn't it delightful to live here? It is perfect. 'Yes, said Hermione, abstractedly. Then she turned right away from Ursula, ceased to know her existence. 'How do you feel, Rupert? she sang in a new, affectionate tone, to Birkin. 'Very well, he replied.

When Ursula heard of this catastrophe she was stupefied with grief, having scarcely recovered from her fever, and the blow which the heirs had already dealt her. To love and be unable to succor the man she loves, that is one of the most dreadful of all sufferings to the soul of a noble and sensitive woman. "I wished to buy my uncle's house," she said, "now I will buy your mother's."

This Ursula was to speak, by reason that she was mistress of all such arts; likewise was she by birth the chiefest of us all, inasmuch as that her late departed mother was daughter to the great Reynmar, lord of Sulzbach. Nor need Ann and I seek far for the flowers.

But if there did happen to come along a highly attractive individual of sufficient means well she tailed off ironically. Then she looked searchingly at Ursula, as if to probe her. 'Don't you find yourself getting bored? she asked of her sister. 'Don't you find, that things fail to materialise? NOTHING MATERIALISES! Everything withers in the bud. 'What withers in the bud? asked Ursula.