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She dropped the Key between her white skin and the bodice of her gown, tossing the ivory figure contemptuously amid the fur. "Ah!" repeated the yellow man in a different tone, and his eyes gleamed with the flame of fanaticism. He slowly uprose, a sinister figure, and with distended fingers prepared to seize Madame by the throat.

Howard Malcolm, uprose in wrath and inveighed against any intermeddling of the North with slavery, and brought the meeting with a high hand to a close. This incident was the first collision with the church of the forlorn hope of the Abolition movement.

These thoughts stilled and softened her spirit held her moveless in the centre of the room; but again the world returned, with all its play upon her finished intelligence.... He had not found her sufficient to restrain him from this ocean episode; and pride uprose a vindictive burning that scorched full-length.

Through the sharp ringing explosion of our antagonists' nine-pounders we distinctly heard the crashing of the shot through the schooner's timbers, and then O God! I shall never forget it the piercing shrieks and groans of mortal agony which uprose beneath our feet!

Though five miles away, every house, every telegraph pole, even the thin lines of the railroad rails appeared through the dry clear air as distinct as a miniature painting. Miles beyond, on the far side of the valley, uprose the huge bulk of Split Peak, with its white-mantled shoulders and craggy twin peaks. But neither Ashton nor Isobel exclaimed on this magnificent view of valley and peak.

So well had weened the wisest Scyldings that not ever at all might any man that bone-decked, brave house break asunder, crush by craft, unless clasp of fire in smoke engulfed it. Again uprose din redoubled.

But despite the bravado, she was half fearful, and therefore some of her inherent woodcraft deserted her, so much so that not noting a tuft of ferns which uprose almost at her heels, she stepped quickly back, stumbled, and Fawkes had his arms about her, holding her close. "Now what can you do?" he sneered, his crafty face very close to hers. "This," breathed Flamby, her colour departing again.

Forthwith uprose fleet Ajax son of Oileus, with cunning Ulysses, and Nestor's son Antilochus, the fastest runner among all the youth of his time. They stood side by side and Achilles showed them the goal.

The scene depicted, and depicted with a skill, with a technical mastery of the bizarre that had in it something horrible was a long narrow room or, properly, cavern. The walls apparently were hewn from black rock, and at regular intervals, placed some three feet from these gleaming walls, uprose slender golden pillars supporting a kind of fretwork arch which entirely masked the ceiling.

He who wins it will have a store of iron that will last him five years as they go rolling round, and if his fair fields lie far from a town his shepherd or ploughman will not have to make a journey to buy iron, for he will have a stock of it on his own premises." Then uprose the two mighty men Polypoetes and Leonteus, with Ajax son of Telamon and noble Epeus.