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Then turning, his roar penetrated to the fo'castle: "All hands on deck! Tumble up here! Lively now! Sperm whale, ain't she, John?" "Aye, sir, sir!" returned the lookout. "There she breaches!" as one of the creatures up-ended. A dozen had suddenly come into sight appearing like imps in a pantomime "from the vasty deep." As Captain Hi came down Mr. Robbins reached the quarter.

"I bet she didn'. Mind you, I don't know, nuther." He up-ended his besom and plucked a leaf or two from between the twigs before adding, "And what, makin' so bold, did she tell about the Churchwardens?" "The Churchwardens?" I echoed. "Aye, the Churchwardens: Matthey Hancock an' th' old Farmer Truslove. They was took ill right about the same time. Aw, my dear" Mr.

A cold breath sucked up from the sea; ahead they saw the ragged ice up-ended by the tide, but their course was well marked now, so they swung themselves upon the sled, while the dogs shook off their lethargy and broke into their pattering, tireless wolf-trot.

Some were merely huge up-ended rocks that rose sheer out of the Atlantic a hundred feet high, and on whose tops the sea-birds nested by the million. The larger ones, however, had, through countless ages, accumulated a layer of earth that covered their gaunt sides except where an occasional naked rib of gray granite was thrust out.

Mister Fitz was holding a lantern, and Mister Lynch had his hands free for business. He met Blackie's egress with a careless jab of his fist that up-ended the unfortunate stiff, and the injunction, "Hearty, now, you swabs! Lay aft!" I quickly sidestepped out of the second mate's range, in case he should aim a blow at me, and started to obey the command to lay aft.

There she wasted no time. She threw her hat and coat on the bed. Her suitcase was on the baggage stand. She turned on all the lights, swung the closed suitcase up to the table, shoved the table against the wall, up-ended the suitcase so that its leather side presented a smooth surface, and propped a firm sheet of white cardboard against the impromptu rack.

"Unscrew the left rear leg about the middle, I believe." The officer up-ended the stool, and after a moment's work found out how to unscrew the leg it had a reverse thread. In a few more instants he had it off, and they all gasped. The leg was hollow, and in it were a number of tightly-rolled sheets of very thin, tough paper.

And we went spinning away at a round rate too. We left the snowy Wind River Mountains and Uinta Mountains behind, and sped away, always through splendid scenery but occasionally through long ranks of white skeletons of mules and oxen monuments of the huge emigration of other days and here and there were up-ended boards or small piles of stones which the driver said marked the resting-place of more precious remains.

So they up-ended 'im, they did, an' they made a lane for 'im an' cheered 'im to give 'im 'eart, though 'e never lacked for that. At virst 'e vas that dazed that 'e didn't know if 'e vas in church or in 'Orsemonger Gaol; but ven I'd bit 'is two ears 'e shook 'isself together. 'Ve'll try it again, Buck, says 'e. 'The mark! says I. And 'e vinked all that vas left o' one eye.

Then we can clean this bunch up in proper shape." "Wait," muttered Kendrick. "What are they doing now?" One of the men was digging a hole while two others picked up a small log which they presently up-ended in the hole, tramping the earth about it firmly.