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He was funny, and Dolly had a great desire to know who he might be, but she did not like the familiarity of his manner, and she turned away to speak to some one else. "Take partners for a Virginia reel," called out Mr. Holmes, "and after that, we will unmask for supper." The next moment Dolly found the tall ghost bowing before her and evidently asking her to dance with him.

Without further delay Blythe went back to his camp and told Hyde all that had occurred. "Go! Of course I will go. This very day, if the doctor will let me. I will unmask her; I will spoil her game. If I cannot save Stanislas, at least she shall not benefit by her crime." "You are sure you can find her?" "Trust me! People in her position are easily found.

"Why, that would mean that I am never to unmask; to go about all my life in my trappings of false widowhood. You read what that paper called me! I cannot play the part any longer." "Are you speaking with reference to these strangers? But this will soon be over, dear. We shall soon be at home, where no one thinks of us except as they have known us all their lives.

"We will make something to laugh at," said the Cavalier; "we will unmask to each other, and when we find each other first cousins, the laugh will come of itself." "Ah! we will unmask? no! I have no cousins. I am certain we are strangers." "Then we will laugh to think that I paid for the disappointment."

The old wretch regarded me for full two minutes in a way to unmask me had I possessed less confidence in my disguise and in my ability to support it. "And what is this young gentleman's name?" he finally asked. For reply, I handed him a slip of paper.

I never saw so much hostility coated over one face as there is on hers. She is in her glory. This time she is going to unmask the hosts of corruption, including those who will not call on her, cave in the school ring, boot out the incompetents, and see justice done to her son at last. Mrs. Wert Payley, who generally leads the other side, has higher ideals, of course, and isn't so red in the face.

The revelers were to unmask before partaking of the feast. After the feast they were at liberty to dance until ten-thirty but not a moment later.

Of course we must oppose this rascally viscount's petition, and do our best to unmask his villainy. But how to do it? I was never very quick-witted, Ishmael; and now my faculties are blunted with age. But I have much to hope from your aid in this case. I know that you cannot appear publicly for Lady Vincent; but at the same time you may be of inestimable value as a private counselor.

Yes, she would no, she wouldn't yes no. It gave me gooseflesh, I assure you. If she spoke, I should have to build up my life anew, the whole scaffolding was destroyed. Would the footman come in time? Yes no there he is. But Beautrelet will unmask me! Never! He's too much of a flat! Yes, though no there, he's done it no, he hasn't yes he's eyeing me that's it he's feeling for his revolver!

Lapham met the Englishman's eye, and with difficulty kept himself from winking. Then he looked away, and tried to find out where he stood, or what he wanted to do. He could hardly tell. He had expected to come into that room and unmask Rogers, and have it over. But he had unmasked Rogers without any effect whatever, and the play had only begun.