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"I hope not indeed," I replied, "but I must be allowed to say that I consider your conduct unmanly and dishonourable, and I would advise you, before proceeding further, to pause and reflect whether it is really your heart which dictates your actions, or only a foolish fancy."

To be sure, it is a hard lesson to beat into the head of the self-sufficient colonist, that his own little corner of the earth does not contain all that is right, and just, and good, and refined. I left Lilacsbush, that day, deeply in love. I hold it to be unmanly to attempt to conceal it.

How infinitely more delightful, musical, and captivating are those Cavalier singers their numbers flowing fair, like their scented lovelocks than the prudish society poets of Pope's day. "The Rape of the Lock" is very witty, but through it all don't you mark the sneer of the contemptuous, unmanly little wit, the crooked dandy?

But in a moment I was glad that I had not said this; after her words to me it would have been unmanly, and, besides, I knew she knew it. When I lost sight of her in the grove by the house, I turned and picked up the pages of the story of Tomaso and Lucilla, which I had dropped. In doing so I saw her inkstand, with its open case near by it, on the ground by the stone on which she had been sitting.

He was scarcely three years older than herself; he was eighteen but in spite of his youth and simplicity he was not unmanly; and there was something in him something that compelled her to be constantly thinking of him and asking herself what that something was.

Condemning this hesitation as unmanly, he broke the seal, however, and read the contents of a letter, which was couched in the following terms: "My dear Oakes: Since we parted, my mind has undergone some violent misgivings as to the course duty requires of me, in this great crisis. One hand one heart one voice even, may decide the fate of England!

Hyrcanus gave no credit to these words of his, as being of a gentle disposition, and one that did not easily admit of calumnies against other men. This temper of his not disposing him to meddle with public affairs, and want of spirit, occasioned him to appear to spectators to be degenerous and unmanly; while.

After a little pause she began to speak of Major Falconer as the school-master had never known her to speak; tremulously of his part in that battle, a Revolutionary officer serving as a common backwoods soldier; eloquently of his perfect courage then and always, of his perfect manliness; and she ended by saying that the worst thing that could ever befall a woman was to marry an unmanly man.

I went to make a call upon her, and to show how Providence had seen fit to deal with both of us, but her refused to exchange speech with me. You see, Reuben," he went on, coughing with a dry mildness of demeanor, "it's doubtless been upon her mind for a many years as I was making a sort of cruel and unmanly game of her.

He repelled such tender feelings, however, when they became too strong, deeming them unmanly, and sought to turn his mind to the excitements of the chase, but latterly his efforts were in vain. He became thoroughly home-sick, and, while admitting the fact to himself, he endeavoured to conceal it from his comrades. He thought that he was successful in this attempt.