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Pity he can't ride along decent, if he's got to ride at all in these hills, where every gulch may be a trap," grumbled the old miner. He jerked the leather strap down with a final tug, pulled himself to the saddle, and cantered after his friend. "Elephints a pilin' teak In the sludgy, squdgy creek, Where the silence 'ung that 'eavy you Was 'arf afraid to speak!"

The level sunbeams glinted through the gray moss, gilded the tree trunks, and glowed crimson upon the brown leaves; the solitary peace of nature seemed unbroken; only the pool of blood at Ung Jerry's feet told him that what he had witnessed had not been a vision.

This has been too stimulating, and the ulceration is almost as great as at first. Return to the ung. sambuci and cerusa acetata.

Then those that could read took up the bottle and read it out loud all over agin. "Pore Bill," ses Peter Lamb. "I 'ad a feeling come over me that something was wrong." "You're a murderer," ses Sam Martin, catching 'old of Joe Barlcomb. "You'll be 'ung for this. Look at pore Bill, cut off in 'is prime." "Run for the doctor," ses someone.

Everybody complaining of too much bone or too little fat; nobody wishing tough chops or cutlets, but always seeking after fine joints, when it's against reason and nature that all joints should be juicy and all cutlets tender; always complaining if livers are not sent with every fowl, always asking you to remember the trimmin's, always wanting their beef well 'ung, and then if you 'ang it a minute too long, it's left on your 'ands!

Lamson that was the cox's name crossed 'is bows once or twice at low speeds an' dropped down to me visibly concerned. 'He's shipped 'is court-martial face, says Lamson. 'Some one's goin' to be 'ung. I've never seen that look but once before when they chucked the gun-sights overboard in the Fantastic. Throwin' gun-sights overboard, Mr.

In determining his vowels he varied during the progress of his discoveries, but finally settled on the six A, E, I, O, U, and a guttural vowel sounding like U in UNG. These had long and short sounds, with the exception of the guttural.

"Shoot a pore 'armless ghost. Does he want to be 'ung? Ain't it enough for a pore man to be drownded, but wot you must try and shoot 'im arterwards? Why, you ought to be ashamed o' yourself. Where's your 'art?" "It won't be shot if it don't come on my wharf," I ses. "Though I don't mind if it does when I've got somebody with me.

I wouldn't have 'it you if I'd known. It's like fighting sacks. 'Tisn' right. Y'r arms seemed 'ung on 'ooks. Reg'lar 'ung on 'ooks. There!" Denton stared, and then surprised and hurt his battered chin by a sudden laugh. Bitter tears came into his eyes. "Go on," he said. The swart man reverted to his formula.

"They were nowt o' the Lord's opinions," said Joltram, "for He told the thief as 'ung beside Him, 'This day shalt thou be with Me in Paradise, but He didn't say nowt o' the man as got the thief punished!" "You twist the Bible to suit your own ends, Mr. Joltram," retorted Arbroath contemptuously. "It is the common habit of atheists and blasphemers generally."