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It sounds, from what Paddy Malone said, as if that Mr. Jallow had been up to some unfair tricks." "I shouldn't wonder," agreed Grace. "Oh, what a lot of things have happened up here!" "And more are going to, if I'm any judge. Your father will get his timber land back." "Oh, how glad I'll be!" The girls hurried on, hoping they would find the boys in their cabin.

Their ideas on these subjects were not very definite, but of late years a general sense of wrong had been growing in their minds. The long-lived quarrels which ever exist in the country-side were envenomed by stronger suspicions of injustice. It was a common complaint that the last survey and apportionment of rent had been unfair.

It would be absurd, cheating yourself that way. Anyhow, Rocket is your horse to ride, as long as you wish to." "But I would like him for my own. How about trading him for my pony and the wages due me?" "Well, that wouldn't be an unfair bargain. Your hawss is the best cow pony of the two." "It is very kind of you to agree, Miss Chuckie! Here is all the money; and here is the watch.

On the contrary, the cool, calm courage of the prisoners, their audacity in daring to face such enormously overwhelming odds, the gallant fight that they were putting up, and the extraordinary skill with which they handled their bludgeons, all seemed to appeal to some elementary sporting instinct that must have been lurking dormant and unsuspected in the Mayubuna nature, exciting their admiration to such an extent that several of the Indians who might have struck an unfair blow actually forbore to do so, and presently they even began to utter shouts of admiration when either of the white men achieved a particularly brilliant passage of defence.

"Kosinski is quite right; I am the first to recognise it. Only I think it a little unfair to assume me to be a mere bourgeois, attempting to play the part of lady patroness to the revolution. I am sure none who know me can accuse me of such an attitude."

His smoldering resentment was quenched by a sense of compunction and a rising hope. "That's dear of you, Imogen," he said. "You are, I think, unfair at times. It's difficult to lay one's finger on it." "But please do lay your finger on it as heavily as you can, dear Jack." "Well, the simile will do for my impression. The finger you lay on her is too heavy.

The ideas and accomplishments he picked up at the elementary school between his fourth and fourteenth years were of course in themselves insufficient for the needs of a grown man, and it would be unfair to criticize his schooling from that standpoint.

I always thought that for a man to offer himself twice was indelicate and unfair. I could never have done it." "That's very sweet in you," she said; and perhaps she would have praised in the same terms the precisely opposite sentiment. "It's some comfort," she added, with a deep-fetched sigh, "to think I had to speak." He laughed. "You didn't find it so easy to make love!"

She began to cry, and said he had taken an unfair advantage, while her hands were busy. She hated him. "Well, then," said he, still holding her warm shoulders, "if you hate me, I am going home tomorrow." The sobs calmed down quickly. She bent herself forward so that he could see the rosy nape of her neck with the curling tendrils of brown hair around it.

The game is so unfair, it calls for magnanimity on our part to stake handsomely and lose patiently. Patience, that's it! We must be patient patient as a cab-horse! Pride and dignity demand that we be patient, absolutely. For the sake of certain beautiful things and sweet people in the world, we must give it a good name. But hear me!