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Mary's Wynd for five or six years, and might have gone on for twice that period, had it not been that at a certain hour of a certain day William fell in love with a certain Mary Brown, who had come on that very day to be an under-housemaid in the inn; and strange enough, it was a case of "love at first sight," the more by token that it took effect the moment that Mary entered the stable with a glass of whisky in her hand sent to him by Mrs.

"There's not really a particle of difference between an under-housemaid and a super-lady when it comes to a good-looking man." "Dick, you're a great painter, but you're also a great vulgarian!" "Well, my father was a national schoolmaster and my mother was a butcher's daughter. I can't help my vernacular.

He handed a letter to Hume. "From Nellie," said David hastily. He opened the envelope and perused a short note, which he gave to Brett. It ran: "DEAREST, I have just heard from Jane, our under-housemaid, that Mr. Capella is leaving the Hall for London by an early train to-morrow. Jane 'walks out' with Mr. Capella's valet, and is in tears. Tell Mr. Brett. I am going to help Mrs.

But the life in Woodview was a great dream, and she could not imagine herself accomplishing all that would be required of her. There would be a butler, a footman, and a page; she would not mind the page but the butler and footman, what would they think? There would be an upper-housemaid and an under-housemaid, and perhaps a lady's-maid, and maybe that these ladies had been abroad with the family.

"At ten years old, and in my own house! That flaunting hussy Jane, the under-housemaid " "Jane! No, sir. Pamela, Miss Byron, Clarissa, females in Richardson, who, according to Dr. Johnson, 'taught the passions to move at the command of virtue. I trust for your sake that Dr. Johnson did not err in that assertion, for I found all these females at night in your own private apartments."

Macallan's valet had ordered the tea for his mistress by his master's directions. The under-housemaid made it, and took it upstairs herself to Mrs. Macallan's room. Her master, she said, opened the door when she knocked, and took the tea-cup from her with his own hand. He opened the door widely enough for her to see into the bedroom, and to notice that nobody was with Mrs. Macallan but himself.

A new under-housemaid, who was greatly addicted to the reading of penny novelettes, suggested that Miss Nelly was being forced into marrying her cousin by the machinations of his mother, who was not persona grata with the servants' hall. But Pat had nipped the young person's imaginings in the bud.

She had a long talk with the thin girl during the evening, learning that she had been under-housemaid in a girls' school; she asked Marcella her name, volunteering the information that she was Phyllis Mayes, only her friends called her Diddy; she seemed to have got over much of her grief at parting with her sister.

She invited me to breakfast with her in her room, instead of in the servants' hall as usual. I remained with the housekeeper but a short time certainly not more than half an hour. "Coming upstairs again, I met the under-housemaid sweeping on one of the landings. "The girl informed me that Mrs. Macallan had taken a cup of tea during my absence in the housekeeper's room. Mr.

She was a zealous servant, but she was glad sometimes to chasten these great ones of the land by insisting on the seamy side of their pleasures. Kitty paused in the eager task of superintendence, and turned to the under-housemaid, who stood by, gazing open-mouthed at the splendors emerging from the box. "Run down and tell Wilson to give him some wine and cake!" she said, peremptorily.