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When Marie was about fifteen years old, her mother took her away from the factories and put her into domestic service. Factory work was telling on the girl's health, and the night freedom it involved did not please her mother. The young woman for some time had felt the charms of associating with many boys and girls unchaperoned and untrammelled. She liked the streets at night better than her home.

"Well, Hilda," he said at last, "have you the courage to go with me, all unadvised, all unchaperoned, to the chapel this afternoon at three o'clock?" She rose slowly, still without looking at him, placed her hands on his shoulders, then slipped them round his neck, laying her cheek beside his. "It requires no courage, Roland," she whispered, "to go anywhere if you are with me.

"I shall be delighted," came the brisk response from the stranger. Hal for once was nonplussed, but her habitual humour reasserted itself. "I don't know which Dudley will think the most dreadful," she remarked comically, "for me to stay at the inn unchaperoned, or motor back with a stranger. I seem to be fairly between the devil and the deep sea." The men laughed, but Dick made the decision.

A cover was laid for him only no, at a distance of half the table for another. Then Betty and her aunt had gone. Well, so much the better. He unfolded his table-napkin. In another moment, doubtless, Uncle James would appear to fill the vacant place. But in another moment the vacant place was filled and by Betty Betty alone, unchaperoned, and bristling with hostility.

"I believe it is not considered quite de rigueur for young ladies and young gentlemen to walk unchaperoned," he said diffidently; "but in the circumstances I think I may come to your relief and escort you back to the hotel." "Not yet, please," Anne emerged and walked rapidly toward the edge of the town. "I cannot go back and sit in the hotel till half past nine.

They were attended by first year girls of fourteen and fifteen as well as by the older girls, each lass with an attendant lad, who called for her and took her home unchaperoned. It took several months for Lydia to become aware of the complicated social life going on about her.

They were young saints to the boys they served, and they had a cordon of ten thousand faithful soldiers drawn about them night and day. As a military Colonel said, the Salvation Army lassie was the only woman in France who was safe unchaperoned.

Let me get into the car beside you " "Miss," I said, "I do not like to disoblige you, but I can never allow myself to be in an automobile at this time of night with a strange woman, unchaperoned."

She would pay Miss Leigh's passage-money, giving her rather less salary the first year. Of course she was to come under protection of the captain, to whom the rôle of heavy father to unchaperoned girls is usually relegated; and on arriving at Liverpool the railway journey to Leighton Court would be only a few hours. Mrs.

She thought of her mother, careful, correct, "Always be correct, my dear," and wondered what she would say could she see her only child on these wild, unchaperoned rides and in these strange confidences where she was a girl and Dave was a boy and all the artificialities with which society aims to protect itself had been stripped away.