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"Simpson disappeared after breakfast with his golf-clubs. He is in high dudgeon which is the surname of a small fish because no one wanted to see his swing." "Oh, but I do," said Dahlia eagerly. "Where is he?" "We will track him down," announced Archie. "I will go to the stables, unchain the truffle-hounds, and show them one of his reversible cuffs." We found Simpson in the pig-sty.

"What's your hurry, old-timers?" shouted Jimmy Day. "A long way to go," called Douglas. "Your hazer needs a shave!" said some one else. "We'll do it for him Sunday!" cried another voice. "Oil up your cannon, Doug," laughed Charleton, "and unchain the dogs of war." Douglas trotted sedately on. "I wonder why it is! I wonder why!" said Fowler, very real pain in his voice.

After these reflections, it will be very easy to remove the difficulties that are unceasingly opposed to the system of fatalism, which so many persons, blinded by their superstitious prejudices, are desirous to have considered as dangerous as deserving of punishment as calculated to disturb public tranquility as tending to unchain the passions to undermine the opinions man ought to have; and to confound his ideas of vice and of virtue.

"You must go alone and at night to Beale's cottage, open the door and you will find Richard's dog asleep before the fire. You must unchain the dog and take him to the milestone by the crossroads. Then go where the dog goes. You will need a knife to cut cords with. And you will need all your courage. Look in my eyes."

One, that Austria was prepared, by attacking Serbia, to unchain a European war; the other, that the Italian ministers joined with Germany to dissuade her. They were successful. Austria abandoned her project, and war was avoided. The episode is as discreditable as you like to Austria. But, on the face of it, how does it discredit Germany?

At the beginning of the seventies Bakounin and his friends found opening before them a field of practical activity. On the whole, the sixties were spent in theorizing, in organizing, and in planning, but with the seventies the moment arrived "to unchain the hydra of revolution."

Dietel's blood boiled, for the property of The Blue Pike was as dear to him as his own. With prompt decision he went through the entry into the yard, where he meant to unchain the butcher's dog to help him chase the abominable robber.

"Stealing bread and cheese from the pantry on the way out " "And stopping where the grass was long near the watering place to dig worms " "And unchain the dog with frantic efforts to keep him from barking " "Yes, but the rascal always would do it bark and wake everybody! Lucky if nobody saw you as you slipped through the gate into the fields!" "Ah!

It was this situation that was the proximate cause of the present war. For, as we have seen, a quarrel between Austria and Russia over the Balkans must, given the system of alliances, unchain a European war. For producing that situation Austria-Hungary was mainly responsible.

But, nevertheless, I do not like this arrangement at all. Something tells me that it will turn out wrong. I shall, at least, unchain the watch-dog, who will prevent the Bavarian from escaping through the window. For the rest, I feel that all my limbs are stiff, and that I have at length deserved some repose.