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When he gets a frank he fills it up exact to the weight of an unce, that a carvy-seed would sink the scale but he's neer a grain abune it. Weel I wot I wad be broken if I were to gie sic weight to the folk that come to buy our pepper and brimstone, and suchlike sweetmeats." "He's a shabby body the laird o' Monkbarns," said Mrs.

'But what kep' ye late, Macgreegor? he inquired, with a futile effort to make his good-humoured, whiskered visage assume a stern expression. 'Come, come, oot wi' it! An 'unce o' guid reasons is worth a pun' o' fair apologies. 'The recruitin' office, said Macgregor, blushing, 'wasna open till nine. 'The recruitin' office!

"I shd most certainy have had ye honr to wait on you persony, but the rain has given me a mo seve cold; hope you have escap'd, tho' by ye by, you had no cloke, nor wrappr! "My kindest regards to your mo excellent unce. I am quite sure he's the same fine merry fellw he always was, tell him so! "Dr Sr, Yours faithy, "Peter Grindlescrew Hales.

With Scotch caution, Thomas, as soon as they entered the shop, instead of taking leave of Annie, went up to the counter, and asked for an "unce o' tobawco," as if his appearance along with Annie were merely accidental; while Annie, with perfect appreciation of the reticence, ran through the gap in the counter.

When he gets a frank he fills it up exact to the weight of an unce, that a carvy-seed would sink the scale but he's neer a grain abune it. Weel I wot I wad be broken if I were to gie sic weight to the folk that come to buy our pepper and brimstone, and suchlike sweetmeats." "He's a shabby body the laird o' Monkbarns," said Mrs.

"I ken gay and fairly," exclaimed Tim, "'at Ay rammed an Eley's patent cartridge into 't single goon this morning; and yonder is 't i' t' birk tree, and Ay ken a load o' shot fra an unce bullet!"

"Weel, I am a tramp, nae doobt," returned Cupples; "for I hae come ilka bit o' the road upo' my ain fit; but I hae read in history o' twa or three tramps that war respectable fowk for a' that. Ye winna gie onything i' this chop, I doobt�-nae even information.�-Will ye sell me an unce o' pigtail?" "Ow, ay. I'll sell't gin ye'll buy't."

I had made these reflections, and received a good deal of comfort from them, when Hannibal appeared at the door with a pallid countenance. "Two of them, Sir, are done for; one's a big un eight pounds, if he weighs an 'unce. He's a handsome feller, that un; black feathers, and spurs to his heels six inches long. They'll make a houtcry about him, I expect." "What have you done with the carcases?"

I hae gotten but five herring instead o' sax, and this disna look like a gude saxpennys, and I dare say this bit morsel o' beef is an unce lighter than ony that's been dealt round; and it's a bit o' the tenony hough, mair by token that yours, Maggie, is out o' the back-sey." "Mine, quo' she!" mumbled the paralytic hag "mine is half banes, I trow.

A' that I ken against it is, that the teil a candlestick, or ony thing like it, is in the house, except the auld airn branches that has been here since Laird Kenneth's time, and the tin sconces that your father gard be made by auld Willie Winkie the tinkler, mair be token that deil an unce of siller plate is about the house at a', forby the lady's auld posset dish, that wants the cover and ane o' the lugs."