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There was a call or two, and some singing, just after you went; but nothing since." "Hush! Listen!" They listened motionless for some time; but nothing was heard but the everlasting plash, which went on all around them. "Unbar the door, Bellines." He did so, and held the door wide for the Commandant to enter. Rubaut stalked in, and straight up to the straw bed.

Pablo was snoring loud, and at last Humphrey fell asleep himself, and did not wake till broad daylight. He got up, and found Alice and Edith were already in the sitting-room, lighting the fire. "I would not wake you, Humphrey, as you had been sitting up so long. The robbers have not made their appearance, that is clear; shall we unbar the door and window-shutters now?" "Yes, I think we may.

In the formless shadow she made a great obeisance, spreading out her arms and pressing the palms of her hands against the floor. "O my Lord and Master," she said, with her lips against the boards of the floor, softly, so that none might hear her "O my Lord and Master, I go. Even a small wife may unbar the gates of heaven."

"Unhand me, sir!" said Nina, haughtily, and almost weeping, for her strong nerves were yet unstrung. "Gaoler, at thy peril unbar the gates." "So hot," said Alvarez, surprised at so great a waste of dignity in a page; "nay, I meant not to offend thee. May I wait on thy pageship tomorrow?" "Ay, tomorrow," said Nina, eager to escape.

He cried to her to unbar the door, which, at length, she did, using many injurious words the while, and he, in his anger, replied that he would shortly have to stab her to teach her better manners. At this she flew into a perfect fury of rage, 'Hei! Stab then! Stab! she cried, and, as she shouted the words, she made a gesture which is the grossest insult that a Malay woman can put upon a man.

And yet no doubt it is sometimes the best thing for a city to be conquered, when the conqueror is clement and generous. Minos certainly has right on his side. I think we shall be conquered; and if that must be the end of it, why should not love unbar the gates to him, instead of leaving it to be done by war? Better spare delay and slaughter if we can. And O if any one should wound or kill Minos!

"If there should come a knocking and a calling, honey," whispered the witch, "don't ye answer to it or unbar the door. Ye'll save time for me that way. But if they win in, tell them I went to the northward." Audrey looked at her with glazed, uncomprehending eyes, while the gnome-like figure appeared to grow smaller, to melt out of the doorway.

The Swiss walked with ringing foot toward the stairway, and dropped upon one knee to unbar the door in the pavement. He took a key from his pocket and turned it in the lock, and, as he lifted the heavy leaf of beams and crosspieces, his lady held over the darkness a candle, which she had taken from one of the buffet sconces.

But the great end of the reformer glorified the mean surroundings: "O truth! O Freedom! how are ye still born In the rude stable, in the manger nursed; What humble hands unbar those gates of morn Through which the splendors of the New Day burst." About the brow of this "infant crying in the night," shone aureole-like the sunlit legend: Our country is the world our countrymen are mankind.

Her tired, eager eyes strained through the thick foliage of the woods they had traversed so happily only the afternoon before. Yes, there was a man's figure! He was coming nearer. A young man in a hunting jacket, with a gun swung over his shoulder, was tramping along, with his eyes on the ground. A pleading voice apparently came from the sky: "Please unbar the door of this old cabin.