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At the corner of the corridor Margot Poins, an immense blonde and gentle figure in Lutheran grey, stood back in the hangings. The Magister Udal leant over her, supporting himself with one hand against the wall above her head and one leg crossed beneath his gown. 'Come you into my room, Katharine said to the girl; and to the magister, 'Avoid, man of books.

'Wench, he said, 'in all save doctrine, this Kat Howard and her learning are nearer Lutheran than of the old faith. With his malice he set himself to bewilder Margot. They made a little, shadowy knot in the long corridor. For he wished to give Udal, who in his long gown stood deaf-faced, like a statue of contemplation, the time to come to a conclusion.

I will have it conveyed, but I will not be seen to handle it, for I am too young to be hanged. 'Why, God help you, knight, Udal whispered urgently from the doorway, 'carry no letter in this affair if you escape, assuredly this mad pupil of mine shall die.

The old man pulled his long white nose: 'In my day we could pray to St Leonard for a fair wind. He was too old to care whether the magister reported his words to Thomas Cromwell, the terrible Lord Privy Seal, and too sardonic to keep silence for long about the inferiority of his present day. 'When shall I teach the fair Margot the learned tongue? Udal asked again.

He said softly to Viridus: 'Whilst I go unto them you shall hold this dagger against this fool's throat. We gain as many hours as we may hold him from blabbing to Privy Seal. And consider that we must bring to the King Rich and Udal and many other witnesses this night. 'Throckmorton, Viridus said, 'before thou goest thou shalt satisfy me of many things.

'God help me, this is Christendom! Katharine said, bitterly. 'Shall one abandon one that lay in the same cradle with one? 'Your ladyship hath borne with him a day too long, Udal said. 'He beat me like a dog five days since. Have you heard of the city called Ponceropolis, founded by the King Philip?

The doctor, his hard blue eyes spinning with sardonic humour beneath his black beretta, said that his mission, even as Udal's had been, was to gain some crowns by setting into the learned language letters that should pass between his ambassador and the King's men of France. Udal grinned disconcertedly. 'Be certified in your mind, he said, 'that I am not here a spy or informer of Privy Seal's.

'Oh, before God! Udal cried out, 'I have suckled you with learned writers; I have carried letters for you; will you give me to die? and Margot wailed from a deep chest: 'The magister so well hath loved thee. Give him not into die hands of Cur Crummock! would I had never told thee that they plotted!

'Forbid it, God, Doctor Longstaffe answered good-humouredly. None the less his jaw hardened beneath his fair beard and he answered, 'I have as yet written no letters litteras nullas scripsi: argal nihil scio. 'Why, ye shall drink a warmed draught and eat a drippinged soppet, Udal said, 'and you shall tell me what in England is said of this mission.

The report ran: a boy called Poins, a lady called Elliott, and a lady called Howard. Yet all three drank the free air before that day at nightfall. Udal, huddled against the wall, took these blows of fate with a quiver for each. In the back of the kitchen the servers, come down from the meal of the Cleves envoy, made a great clatter with their dishes of pewter and alloy.