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'The wise men of our coast have said that the girl-child who will some day bear children of her own will also bring abundance of salmon at her birth; but the boy-child brings to you but himself. "'Let the salmon go, shouted the people, 'but give us a future Great Tyee. Give us the boy-child. "And when the child was born it was a boy. "'Evil will fall upon you, wailed the Great Tyee.

"That's what we say it means, we Squamish, that greed is evil and not clean, like the salt-chuck oluk. That it must be stamped out amongst our people, killed by cleanliness and generosity. The boy that overcame the serpent was both these things." "What became of this splendid boy?" I asked. "The Tenas Tyee?

"I look for the man who crawls with the broken neck, and lo, do I find Tyee. Throw down thy gun, Tyee, so that I may hear it strike among the rocks." Tyee obeyed passively, and Bill-Man crawled forward into the light. Tyee looked at him curiously. He was gaunt and worn and dirty, and his eyes burned like twin coals in their cavernous sockets. "I am hungry, Tyee," he said. "Very hungry."

He climbed a tree which grew by the water, and hid in the branches to keep vigil, there to crave strength from the Saghalie spirit, the Hyas Tyee who dwells in the heavens, to grant him the strength, the wisdom, the courage to kill the dread witch.

To his query, the fellow replied profanely that this was none of his interrogator's affair. "Well, it is some of my affair," the new boss of Tyee replied. "I have a crow to pluck with you, anyhow, and I'm going to pluck it now."

"I asked him once why it was, and he said Indian boys never got what they asked for; that sometimes they had things given to them that they hadn't asked for, but, if he asked the Tyee for anything, all he got was 'Good Indian get things for himself, and he had to go to work to get the thing he wanted.

Man, I was young myself once and Nan of the Sawdust Pile is not a woman a young man would look at once and go his way." In the southwestern corner of the state of Washington, nestled in the Bight of Tyee and straddling the Skookum River, lies the little sawmill town of Port Agnew.

Last night there came a prolonged, heavy, booming sound, different from any thing we had heard before. In the morning we saw that there had been a great landslide on the mountain back of us, bringing down rocks and trees. Yeomans, an old Indian chief, the Tyee of the Flat-heads at Port Angeles, came to see us to-day.

When you are old and weary of tribal affairs, when you sit wrapped in your blanket in the hot summer sunshine, because your blood is old and thin, what can a girl-child do to help either you or us? Who, then, will be our Great Tyee? "He stood in the centre of the menacing circle, his arms folded, his chin raised, his eyes hard as flint.

Then Eut-le-ten declared himself and said, "I come from that great world beneath the sky where many people live who do not know the land where dwells the Tyee Nas-nas-shup.