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If one takes up two or three motives of one's own the small motives and the large ones and holds them up in one's hand and looks at them quietly from the point of view of what one would wish one had done in twenty years, there is scarcely one of us who would choose the small ones.

In this the Jablochkoff candle, used in the Paris streets by 1878, was measurably successful. It was a voltaic arc arrangement, in which, by making each of the two carbon pencils alternately positive and negative, their ends were consumed with equal rapidity and so kept perpetually the same distance apart. But the voltaic light was too brilliant for a small area.

And at home, what peaceful times they two had what endless conversations, discussions, schemes, air journeys of memory and fancy, backward and forward! what sociable dinners alone, and delightful evenings with Mr. and Mrs.

He'd been momentarily expecting her to offer him an egg-nog. But this paroxysm of tact that had just broken out in his office was really too much. Of course they'd been talking him over, those two. It must have been amply obvious to them for a good while that there was something more than met the eye, about that long visit of his wife's to California.

If the two champions had suspected his presence they would have probably postponed their fight until a more opportune moment, for this spectator was no other than the Baron himself.

And you shall see how lively and cheerful I will be." He forced a smile that hovered on tears. "We shall be two rackety young students, every night raising a thousand devils. Gaudeamus igitur." He began to hum in his cracked hoarse voice the Burschen-lied of his early days at the Berlin Gymnasium.

The Whig country gentlemen were delighted by the prospect of being able to repair their stables, replenish their cellars, and give portions to their daughters. It was impossible to contend against such a combination of force. A bill was passed which authorised the government to borrow two million five hundred and sixty-four thousand pounds at seven per cent.

Two of the rival show's elephants had been tumbled into a ditch by the roadside. Then Kennedy had a lively few minutes to keep his own animals from following and putting an end to the enemies they had tumbled over. The tusks of the two big elephants, when they met, sounded like the report of a pistol.

The little town of Le Russey should, if possible, be halted at for an hour or two only, the hotels are dirty and uncomfortable; we fared worse there than I ever remember to have fared in France which is saying a good deal!

"Now, my last word is, I shall not think any the worse of you, if you decide not to go with me." It wanted five minutes of the time, when two of the boys returned to where he was talking with Pierre and Andre. "We have decided, captain.