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The young men had their coats off, and the round white arms of the girls twinkled distractingly as with swift deft motions they freed the shining yellow ears from their incasements and tossed them into the baskets.

The morning was dark, and although the gale had dropped, a raw, cold wind blew up the valley past Mireside farm, where three or four farmers' traps and some rusty bicycles stood beneath the projecting roof of a barn. The bleating of sheep rose from a boggy pasture by the beck, and lights twinkled as men with lanterns moved about in the gloom.

The bearded lips found hers, and for answer, her struggles ceased, her body relaxed against his body, her soft arms stole timidly about his neck, and there was a wild singing in her heart. "And there has never been another?" she whispered a few minutes later as she sat close beside him and watched him sip hot broth from the thick cup. The grey eyes twinkled.

Take a smoke; you're not paid on time." "I'm not sure it would matter if I were." Kermode's eyes twinkled as he filled his pipe. "An idea of the kind you suggested doesn't go far in a construction camp, unless, of course, a foreman happens to be about. However, you made one rash statement, didn't you?" "I'm afraid I make a good many," replied the clergyman good-humoredly. "But you are right.

"Live hogs are shipped in boxes, right along," Morgan explained. Judge Thayer saw the light; his pepper-and-salt whiskers twinkled and spread around his mouth, and rose so high in their bristling over his silent laughter that they threatened his eyes. He turned to Craddock, forcing a sober front. "All right, Seth, we'll take you up on it. You're going out of town in a box," he said.

Pete flushed and glanced down at the half-concealed weapon beneath his arm. "Tied her on with string ain't got no shoulder holster," Pete explained in an offhand way. "What you do with him?" The old Mexican's deep-set eyes twinkled. Pete studied Montoya's face. This was a direct but apparently friendly query. Pete wondered if he should answer evasively or directly.

Your Eminence is unjust. Marzio puts much conscience into his work. That is all." "Ah, he is a man of conscience? I did not know. But, being your brother, he should be, Don Paolo." The prelate's bright brown eyes twinkled. Paolo was silent, though he bowed his head in acknowledgment of the indirect praise. "You do not say anything," observed the Cardinal, looking at his secretary with a smile.

"I can give you some green tea, though I am afraid it might be a good deal better than it is, and our crockery is not all you have been used to," he said. "You see, we have only time to think of one thing until the sowing is through." Miss Barrington's eyes twinkled. "And then?" "Then," said Winston, with a little laugh, "there will be prairie hay to cut, and after that the harvest coming on."

This time the husband twinkled: "If he is, my dear, whom should we congratulate: all three or which two?" "I don't know yet, my love. Wait. Wait till we've tried her in Boston." At this hour John March was imperatively engrossed by an unforseen discovery.

Overhead the dark sky, the stars that twinkled their message to the shepherds on Judæan hills, that lighted their sons through ages of slavery, and the flag of freedom borne upon the breeze, down there the tenement, the Ah, well! let us forget as do these. This picture was evidence at a murder trial. Now if you ask me: "And what of it all?