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"But don't you know that no one comes here? No young ladies in blue dresses and brown curls only wombats and wallabies, and ring-tailed 'possums and me. Not you me, but me me! How do you account for being here?" Norah laughed. She decided that she liked this very peculiar old man, whose eyes twinkled so brightly as he spoke. "But I don't think you know," she said.

Peter stared at his master, whose eyes twinkled with satisfaction, for his feint had had the desired effect that of startling the hiding intruder.

And on a large bed in the corner sat the three little girls, Kitty with her bright curls bobbing, Josephine with her black braids sticking straight out, and the baby with tiny blue eyes that twinkled and shone like Harvey's. The fine speech that Tom had been saying over to himself for the past two hours seemed to vanish into thin air before this excited little audience.

Gradually all became silent and nothing was heard but the murmur of the stream, while birds of prey soared over our heads on their way to the mountains. The eastern sky was now wrapped in shade and the stars twinkled in the dark heavens, while on every bush animated sparks appeared to flit about. I had been asleep more than two hours, when I was suddenly awakened by Gringalet barking.

The few reviews that reached him contained nothing but ridicule. So he had no place even as a literary hack! He was living in Paris at the time in a noisy, evil-smelling street leading out of the Quai Saint-Michel. He thought of Chatterton, and would loaf on the bridges looking down into the river where the drowned lights twinkled.

I suppose a lot of people think I live almost wholly on the little people who are my neighbors, but that is a mistake. I do catch Mice when I am lucky enough to find them where I can dig them out, and they certainly are good eating." At this Whitefoot the Wood Mouse and Danny Meadow Mouse hastily scurried farther away, and Buster's eyes twinkled with mischief.

Then, from under her fingers there fell a rollicking melody that seemed to fill the room with little dancing feet. Faster and faster sped Billy's fingers; swifter and swifter twinkled the little dancing feet. Then a door was jerked open, and Bertram's voice called: "Billy!" The music stopped instantly.

Lights twinkled, the air grew heavy with incense, and great bursts of music rolled from the organ-loft. 'Twas a magnificent ceremonial, and Mr. Morris and Calvert came away thrilled and awed. They made their way out by the old rue St. Louis and the Quai des Orfèvres, and, keeping still to the left bank of the Seine, did not cross until they came to the Pont Royal.

He confided to us that he had had to quit smoking, and it ground him he'd smoked since he was five years old. "Tobacco doesn't agree with you any more?" I hazarded. "Oh, 'taint that," he replied; "only I'd ruther chew." The dark fell, and all the little camp-fires under the trees twinkled bravely forth. Some of the men sang. One had an accordion.

But this evening was a different matter! His eyes twinkled at her across the little table and he spoke of Italy and Switzerland, telling her stories of his travels there, and other experiences which he could no longer recount to his son and grand-daughter because they knew them.