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"Wha what is it?" stammered William Philander. "This piece of candy I have! It tastes awfully queer!" "So does this piece I have!" groaned the dudish student. "Oh, Mr. Tubbs, what kind of candy is it anyway? My teeth are are stuck fast in it!" At this moment the aunt of the young lady came in. She looked in wonder at the others, for both were making wry faces.

"Oh, what a whopper!" was Fred Garrison's comment. "Tubbs is about as lazy as they make 'em." Soon all of the contestants were ready, and George Strong explained the conditions of the race. "You are to run along the shore to the big rock where Lieutenant Merrick is stationed," he said.

I want her to study with me, too. And do everything. This is she." Cornelius Allendyce's mouth had dropped open from sheer amazement; suddenly it broadened into a grin. Here was Miss Gordon taking her "head" at once, without so much as one lesson. He glanced at Percival Tubbs but that good gentleman was stroking his silky beard quite indifferently.

Tubbs did, and the cave too. Come, let's not waste time. We must hurry they'll be getting back!" Amazement, still more than half incredulous, surged round me. Then Mr. Shaw said rapidly: "You're right. Of course, if you have found the cave, the best thing we can do is to keep them shut up in it. But we must move fast perhaps we're too late already.

Hulbert, and inquire if it be true that young Dickson, the lawyer, is really engaged to Aspasia Tubbs or not? and borrow a skimmer, or a tin pot, or any thing you can carry, for we may want something of the sort in the course of the day. I do believe, Jenny, that a worse creature than myself is hardly to be found in Templeton."

"Mr. and Mrs. Tubbs?" "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" By this time Father and Mother were galloping down-stairs. They welcomed the Tubbses with yelps of pleasure; the four of them sat in rockers on the grass and talked about the Tubbses' boarders, and the Applebys admired to hear that Uncle Joe now ran the car himself.

The seaman quickly returned with a coil of rope, with which the officer and his men, aided by Tubbs, soon lashed Captain Roderick's arms and legs in a way which prevented him from moving until he was secured to the mizenmast, which came through the cabin, when we felt that we were safe from his attacks. I had not hitherto looked into the countenance of the officer, nor he into mine.

"No, he bought it for the cat!" murmured Tom, and at this the others had to snicker. "A er a slight token of my regard, don't you know," said William Philander, with a flourish. "So kind of you, Mr. Tubbs!" The girl gazed hungrily at the box. "Shall I open it now?" "If you wish to," answered the dudish student, gallantly.

They followed the general rush, Bowler crying out to Tubbs as he sprang ashore "See and make her fast, Tubbs, and land the grub, will you? We'll be back directly." And off he scampered with the rest, to join in the ceremony of capturing the island.

"'Second," read the Bishop, "'I wills to be buried alongside of Dan'l Tubbs, on the Chestnut Knob, the same enclosed with a rock wall, forever set aside for me an' Dan'l and running west twenty yards to a black jack, then east to a cedar stump three rods, then south to a stake twenty yards and thence west back to me an' Dan'l.