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Roosevelt fails to inform us how the idle owners of the trusts are to function except as profit absorbers and parasites. In that capacity they can certainly be dispensed with entirely and that is precisely what will happen when the evolution now in progress culminates in the reorganization of society." Victor S. Clark, "The Labour Movement in Australasia."

That evening Kenelm wrote the following letter: Mr. Chillingly presents his compliments to Mr. Butt, and thinks it fair to Mr. Butt to say that he is taking lessons in boxing; and trusts to be forgiven if he presumes to suggest that Mr. Butt might do well to take lessons himself before fighting with Mr. Chillingly next half.

"There can be no doubt," said Mr Montefiore many years later, speaking on the same subject, "that trusts connected with charitable or strictly religious institutions are more liable than others to be, if not strictly speaking misappropriated, at least misdirected, though it may probably be unintentional, more especially when the religious views of the trustees differ from those of the testator.

It would have been fair to advertise his reader of so capital an emendation, an emendation for which no support is to be found in the Greek Testament or any variety of manuscripts. In a similar tone, he trusts 'that the conviction of the theological student that his philosophy is Plato's, and his creed St. John's, will alleviate the mortification he might otherwise feel in differing from Dr.

So long as he will accept the shelter of my roof, so long shall he receive it. I would rather break with a dozen Churches, a dozen forms of creed, than be untrue to a child who trusts me! That is my answer to Your Holiness, and in giving it I add the sincere expression of my sorrow to cause you displeasure or pain.

She had a letter last week from Aunt Jane, Father's sister. I heard her read it out loud to Aunt Hattie and Grandpa in the library. It was very stiff and cold and dignified, and ran something like this: DEAR MADAM: Dr. Anderson desires me to say that he trusts you are bearing in mind the fact that, according to the decision of the court, his daughter Mary is to come to him on the first day of May.

"'The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, wrote the wise and righteous James. There is an infinite promise of the fulfillment of righteousness in these words. They contain the key to all accomplishment or all failure. The righteous man decrees magnificently and trusts infinitely.

"You heard Doctor Hapgood say that?" "I did." "In your presence?" "No." Then she described the little scene graphically. "But Ledyard " Then he paused. Ledyard's confidence must be sacred to him. "And Huntter Huntter knows that you know; does he know that you are Margaret's friend?" "Yes." "And he trusts you?" "He thinks I do not count, but I do with Margaret."

The prosecution of trusts under the Sherman antitrust law has gone on without restraint or diminution, and decrees similar to those entered in the Standard Oil and the Tobacco cases have been entered in other suits, like the suits against the Powder Trust and the Bathtub Trust.

I go to find and reassure her and with your permission to bring her in to the library, where we will await monsieur when he has finished telephoning and ah repaired the deficiencies in his attire; which one trusts he will forgive one's mentioning!" He bowed again, impudently, gaily, and when the Minister of War looked up again sheepishly from contemplation of his naked shanks had vanished.