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I cannot do better than quote in this connection a few passages from the text of the official defense which in a moving language was pronounced by the President of the Constantinople Bahá’í Spiritual Assembly at a plenary session of the Court on that historic occasion: “La Behá’isme est une religion universelle, moderne et absolument independante. Si l’on désiré une désignation plus moderne encore: c’est une institution de Clémence, de bonne entente et d’amour, en d’autres termes, de progrès moral et spirituel. Il n’est ni une secte, ni une branche des autres religions et doctrines diverses. Il est cependant leur aboutissement naturel, logique et pour ainsi dire scientifique. C’est la raison pour laquelle l’on trouve parmi ses adhèrents des personnes, venant de toutes les religions et doctrines existantes dans le monde, et qui se comptent aujourd’hui par millions. ...Ces explications ne sauraient toutefois

Depuis que nous avions mis le pied en Macédoine, en Bulgarie et en Rassie, sans cesse sur notre passage j'avois trouvé que le Turc faisoit crier son ost, c'est-

Verlaine preferred civilized savagery, and so he remained in Paris; and so he drags on, living in thieves' quarters, getting drunk, writing beautiful poems in the hospitals, coming out of hospitals and falling in love with drabs." Dans ces femmes d'ailleurs je n'ai pas trouve l'ange Qu'il eut fallu pour remplacer ce diable, toi!

«Mais si les courans de la mer ont trouvé des montagnes toutes faites, et qu'ils les ayent traversées, dans quelque sens que ce soit; ils se sont frayé des routes dans les endroits la resistance étoit moindre, et ont rongé les bords de leurs canaux

"As tu trouvé mon livre?" One morning, just at dawn, we drew near a low, sandy coast, and anchored at the mouth of the great estuary of the Gironde. A spindly lighthouse was flashing, seeming more to reflect the sunlight from outside than to be burning within, and a current the color of coffee and cream with a dash of vermilion in it, went by us mottled with patches of floating mud. From the deck one had an extraordinary view, a ten-mile sweep of the strangely colored water, the hemisphere of the heavens all of one greenish-blue tint, and a narrow strip of nondescript, sandy coast suspended somehow between the strange sea and unlovely sky. At noon, the Rochambeau began at a good speed her journey up the river, passing tile-roofed villages and towns built of pumice-gray stone, and great flat islands covered with acres upon acres of leafy, bunchy vines. There was a scurry to the rail; some one cried, "Voil

He's a camsteary chield, and fasheous about marches, and we've had some bits o' splores thegither; but deil o'meif I wad wrang Jock o' Dawston neither. 'Thou'rt an honest fellow, said the Lawyer; 'get thee to bed. Thou wilt sleep sounder, I warrant thee, than many a man that throws off an embroidered coat and puts on a laced nightcap. Colonel, I see you are busy with our enfant trouve.

It is clear that aesthetic delicacy, elegance, distinction, and nobleness that atticism, urbanity, whatever is suave and exquisite, fine and subtle all that makes the charm of the higher kinds of literature and of aristocratic cultivation vanishes simultaneously with the society which corresponds to it. No. 10: "A mesure qu'on a plus d'esprit on trouve qu'il y a plus d'hommes originaux.

Stephen Pearce que j'ai trouve chez lui; c'est un homme parfaitement comme il faut; il m'a recu bien cordialement et il m'a invite a diner demain. J'ai dine chez Mrs. Leslie hier et j'ai passe tout le tantot d'aujourd'hui chez Lewes qui habite une fort belle maison a cinq minutes d'ici.

He was like the French lady who naïvely told Dr. Franklin, "Je ne trouve que moi qui aie toujours raison." Professing to adore Reason, he was angry, if anybody reasoned with him. But herein he was no exception to the general rule, that we find no persons so intolerant and illiberal as men professing liberal principles.

The doctor cast his eyes on the governess as he spoke; the injunction concerned her as much as it did Mr. Carlyle. And the doctor started, for he thought she was fainting; her face had become so ghastly white; he could see it through her veil. "You are ill, madame! You are ill? Trouve malade, don't you?" She opened her lips to speak; her trembling lips, that would not obey her. Dr.