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"Good-morning, sheriff," he said, and sat up, yawning. The sun was shining brightly. Mr. Johnson reached for his trousers and yawned again. The scandalized sheriff was unable to reply. He had been summoned by passers-by, who, hearing the turbulent clamor for breakfast made by the neglected prisoners, had hastened to give the alarm.

Now, this was exactly the way in which the Crown Prince had always wished to dress. He was suddenly conscious of the long trousers on his own small legs, of the ignominy of his tailless Eton jacket and stiff, rolling collar, of the crowning disgrace of his derby hat. But the lonely feeling had gone from him. "This is the best time for flying," he said, in his perfect English.

The shout was echoed in different keys by many others, and all turning their eyes in the direction David was pointing, they saw, on the top of the cliff a boy, on whose jacket and cap the glitter of a little gold lace and his snow-white trousers proclaimed him to be that hero in embryo, a midshipman.

When I came into the kitchen in the morning, old Darby was still asleep on the settle, with his coat and trousers over him, a red night-cap on his head, and his half-bred terrier, Jess, chained with a chain he carries with him to the leg of the settle.

It took me ten minutes perhaps to dress the wound and tie a rude bandage; and perhaps another four to pull off coat and shoes and slip into the staff officer's tunic, pull on his riding boots over my blue canvas trousers at a distance scarcely discernible in colour from his tight-fitting breeches and buckle on his sword-belt.

She rose, and, going towards him, said: "I want to talk to you, Dad!" Taking up the cord of his dressing-gown, she pulled it by its tassel. "Don't!" said Mr. Stone; "it secures my trousers." Cecilia dropped the cord. 'Father is really terrible! she thought. Mr. Stone, lifting the second sheet of paper, began again: "'The reason, however, was not far to seek "

When the table had been cleared, and the two men left alone together, Major Vernon stretched his long legs upon the hearth-rug, plunged his hands deep down in his trousers' pockets, and gave a sigh of satisfaction. "And now," said Mr.

"Well, look here, Master Wickes; you chose a good time. If I had had trousers on, and waterproof leggings over them, do you know where you would be at the present moment? You would be having an interesting conversation with a number of lobsters at the bottom of the sea off the Colonsay shores. And so you thought because I had my kilt on, that I could fish you out of the water?"

All went well for some time, but at last, with no warning, the bird made a vicious dash, and with its claws tore through the trousers of the guide, making a great gash in his leg. The man promptly decided it was better, on the whole, to carry it further dead than living. The doctor turned back at sunset.

It was dull and tarnished; a little larger in size than a ten cent piece, but it was not silver. Tim Reardon looked at it intently and rubbed its sides on his trousers leg. "Say, Bess," he said earnestly, "do you know what I think I guess it's gold. Yes, I do. 'Tisn't American money, though. It's got a queer head on it, see, a man with some sort of a thing on his head like a wreath.