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"Now you come on over here to father," Chester said, "and we'll ask him what took place in the private room of Fremont's bank that night, and we'll see if his memory of the things which occurred there is the same as mine." The boys now all trooped to the tent where Mr. Wagner had been placed and Chester asked: "Do you know why these boys are here, father?"

The pace at which they had been travelling for the last few miles made a brief rest welcome, and they trooped up to the fire. "It's good enough, lads; it's good enough. There's whips of it there for all of us. Two mates passed down the road this morning for stores with a couple of horses loaded with gold," one of the new arrivals cried. "How many?" Peters asked. "Two, mate two, with four horses."

The guests stepped gratefully outside; Selwyn, using a light fowling-piece, made pattern after pattern for them; and then they all trooped solemnly indoors again; and Selwyn froze Chaosite and boiled it and baked it and melted it and took all sorts of hair-raising liberties with it; and after that he ground it to powder, placed a few generous pinches in a small hand-grenade, and affixed a primer, the secret composition of which he alone knew.

The snow had disappeared from mountain and plain; the rivers flowed clear and abundant in their channels; the trees were faintly burgeoning, and the heavens palpitated with an atmosphere of genial warmth. The cattle, confined for so many months in the darkness of stalls, lay basking in the sunshine, or trooped to the southern slopes where the young grass was springing.

"She listened intently, and finally broke out enthusiastically: 'How nice! "Billy almost had a fit at that, and I nearly had, when I read his letter." We all laughed heartily and trooped below to enjoy a few hours' sleep in our "folding staterooms."

They trooped to supper, where for half an hour they discussed without words fried quail, cornbread and coffee. Such conversation as there was held strictly to necessary lines and had to do with the transportation of edibles. Supper over, they smoked till the table was cleared. Then coats were removed and they sat down to the serious business of an all night session of draw.

"So you take them to him, and give him Christmas greetings from us. And now we must go, and you can begin at once to make ready your feast." "Oh, yes, ma'am. And may all Christmas blessing's light on you and yours." "Merry Christmas!" cried all the Maynards as they trooped out, and the good wish was echoed by the happy Simpsons.

'All right! he thought, 'you wait, my friend! More wine than was good for him, as the custom was, helped him to remember, when they all trooped forth to a secluded spot, to touch Val on the arm. "What did you say about me in there?" "Mayn't I say what I like?" "No." "Well, I said you were a pro-Boer and so you are!" "You're a liar!" "D'you want a row?" "Of course, but not here; in the garden."

All the others trooped around and after him, through the hall and into the drawing room, where the doctor laid his little charge on the sofa and put the pillows behind her so that she could sit up comfortably. Then he stood back and let the others come to her. Mrs. Randolph gave her some very contented kisses; so did Mr. Randolph.

"Stories that I had read of strange adventures and accidents to midnight guests now trooped into my head.