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Jean's voice was quiet, but it had a quality which he had never before noticed. "You'd better," he advised her tritely, "let sleeping dogs lie." "That's the trouble with sleeping dogs; they do lie, more often than not. These particular dogs have lied for nearly three years. I'm going to stir them up and see if I can't get a yelp of the truth out of them." "Oh, you are!" Carl laughed ironically.

Thus the prelude, which is a tritely flowing allegro, serves also for interlude as well as postlude, and the air and accompaniment of both stanzas are unvaried, save at the cadence of the latter stanza. The intense poesy of Anna Reeve Aldrich, a poetess cut short at the very budding of unlimited promise, deserved better care than this from a musician.

Spooning with him last night on the pier. The father is rotto with money. Is she up the pole? Better ask Seymour that. Seymour a bleeding officer! Buck Mulligan said. He nodded to himself as he drew off his trousers and stood up, saying tritely: Redheaded women buck like goats. He broke off in alarm, feeling his side under his flapping shirt. My twelfth rib is gone, he cried. I'm the Uebermensch.

After all, what was everything in life but a repetition of that which had been and a certainty of death? Rose looked like a ghost to his fancy. He seemed like a ghost to himself, and felt reproached for the hot ardor surging in his fleshly heart. "That same moon lit the world for the builders of the Pyramids," he said, tritely enough. "Yes," murmured Rose, in a faint voice.