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I think that if we take a hansom to Albemarle Street, we shall just catch Castleton upon his door-step." Mr. Willoughby, who understood very little of Trench's meaning, nevertheless cordially agreed to the proposal. "I think it would be prudent," said he, and he hailed a passing cab. A moment later the two men were driving to Albemarle Street.

Their fierce yells and the shrieks of the squaws and pappooses, the pounding of horses' hoofs in the stampede of hundreds of ponies, the roar of the river, the wrath of the storm made a scene this old Corral will never see again." Dennie paused. "I think I hear something like it, right now," came Trench's irrepressible voice from the shadows in the edge of the circle. But nobody heeded it.

At the end of the volume will be found the Plan of the Society, with minute directions for all those who wish to give their help. Cooperation on this side the water will be gladly welcomed. Of Dean Trench's two volumes, one is new, and the other a revised edition. No one has done more than he to popularize the study of words, which is only another name for the study of thought.

Sutch was quite wrong.... Of course there was always the chance that one might come to grief oneself get killed, you know, or fall ill and die before one asked you to take your feather back; and then there wouldn't even have been a chance of the afterwards. But that is the risk one had to take." The allusion was not direct enough for Colonel Trench's comprehension.

In less than fifteen seconds, Trench's voice barked out of the phone. "Gordon? Where the hell you been?" "Up an alley between McCutcheon and Miles," Gordon told him. "With a corpse. Murdoch's corpse. Better send out the wagon." Trench hesitated only a fraction of a second. "Okay, I'll be out in ten minutes."

Trench's disquisition regarding the latent union between covetousness and prodigality, involving a proof that the discourse about the rich man was applicable to the Pharisees who were not of prodigal habits, although very good in itself, is scarcely relevant; inasmuch as it is not the parable of the rich man, but the reproofs intervening between it and the unjust steward that are expressly addressed to the Pharisees.

The man seemed to avoid facing him, muttered, "Captain says report in person at once," and swung out of the scooter and onto his beat without further words. Gordon was met there by blank faces and averted looks, but someone nodded toward Trench's office, and he went inside. Trench sat chewing on a cigar. "Gordon, what does Security want with you?" "Security? Not a damned thing, if I can help it.

There was something rather horrible to Feversham in his attitude as he scraped at the ground on his knees, at the action of his hands, quick like the movements of a dog's paws, and in the whine of his voice. He was sunk for the time into an animal. In a moment or two Trench's fingers touched the lock and trigger of a rifle, and he became man again. He stood up quietly with the rifle in his hands.

It was Trench's bulk that had blocked the way for the professor a moment before. Then she was swallowed in the jolly greetings of goodfellowship, and Vincent Burgess carried her away to the carriage where her uncle waited. "The thing is settled now," the young folks thought. But Dennie Saxon and Trench, who walked home together, knew that many things were hopelessly unsettled.

They shook bands, laughed, cheered, and in some cases wept, while a few clasped their hands, looked up, and audibly thanked God. "You'll soon get ashore," said Polly, laying her hand on Ben Trench's arm. "Ay, and the cocoa-nut milk will set you up and make you fat in no time," added Watty Wilkins.