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The force of representation plants her imagined figures before her; she treats them as real, and talks to them as if they were bodily there; puts words in their mouths such as they should have spoken, and is affected by them as by persons.

In a passage of his ecclesiastical History, he treats, in form, and at large, of the occasions of writing the four Gospels, and of the order in which they were written.

The Osmia, therefore, has not respected the live cocoons of a foreign species: she has passed out over the bodies of the intervening Solenii. Did I say passed over their bodies? She has passed through them, crunched the laggards between her jaws, treated them as cavalierly as she treats my disks. And yet those barricades were alive.

"I don't trouble myself in the least about the way James treats me." "Let us go down to the pond, at any rate. We can sit down on the bank, if nothing better." "All right." An easy walk brought them to the edge of the pond. Herbert naturally looked for James Leech's boat. He thought something was the matter with his eyes, for where there should be but one boat there were now two.

Drive far away from foolishly officious and disingenuous Theresa, far from Deadham, so tiresome just now in its irruption of tea-parties and treats. She would behold peaceful inland horizons, taste the freedom of spirit and the content which the long, smooth buff-coloured roads, leading to unknown towns and unvisited country-side, so deliciously give.

"Oh, don't go into heroics!" he said. "You'd curse everything and everybody, if you were in the plight I am. And look here, you've got to help me. You and the old man have been getting on better than I expected; if he hasn't taken a downright fancy to you, he's got used to you and treats you civilly. Can't you give him a hint about the diamonds? See here!"

As these women do not violate any oath made in public, they have no connection whatever with a work which treats exclusively of lawful marriage. Some one will say that the claims made by this essay are very slight, but its limitations make just compensation for those which amateurs consider excessively padded.

No more soda water for a while, unless some one treats me." "I suppose we ought to be thankful to get home at all," Dimple spoke up. "Yes, when you consider it in that light, we're let off cheaply enough," Callie replied. "Oh, dear, where is that spring?" "Just beyond that turn," Emma told her.

According to his creed, a wrong cannot be palliated into a right, but must be reformed thereto; he has no tolerance for that evil whose cure is obvious and possible, and he treats boldly and severely the subjects of which the timid scarcely dare to speak. It cannot, of course, be claimed for "Vanity Fair" that it is all clever.

His father going mad, and being given up by the other physicians, he treats him successfully, and is then reinstated in his rights. Subsequently his step-mother also goes mad; he is bidden to cure her, and, declaring his inability to do so, is once more disinherited. There is neither novelty nor strangeness, gentlemen of the jury, in my father's present proceedings.