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If I hed a bunch of cowboys with me I tell you what I'd take a chance an' clean up this hole!" All the while Jim Fletcher stood quietly with his hands in his pockets. "Guthrie, I'm shore treasurin' up your friendly talk," he said. The menace was in the tone, not the content of his speech. "You can an' be damned to you, Fletcher!" called Guthrie, as the horses started.

Soapy's cigarette quivered and was still again, while M'Ginnis watched him, breathing thickly but speaking no word, and Soapy went on again: "I been takin' a peek into that little tin safe o' yours, an' I found some papers you'd been kind o' treasurin' up about me, so I burnt 'em, Bud not as they mattered very much, there ain't nobody t' worry when I snuff it but I found as you'd got other papers about other guys as would matter some t' them, I guess so I burnt 'em too, Bud."

There's folks that always looks on the bright side and makes the best of everything, and that's like puttin' your quilt together with blue or pink or white or some other pretty color; and there's folks that never see anything but the dark side, and always lookin' for trouble, and treasurin' it up after they git it, and they're puttin' their lives together with black, jest like you would put a quilt together with some dark, ugly color.

Better go clothed in a righteous purpose and a old parmetty than in the richest new alpacky and a craven sperit. I knowed that if I had wanted a hobble skirt or a hayrem, or a hip cosset there wuz no time to git 'em. But Heaven knows I didn't want 'em, treasurin' as I did the power to walk and breathe.