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Helen was standing at the entrance to the big living-room, her tall figure erect, her head proudly poised, one graceful arm upraised, with the hand buried in the velvet hangings. She had on a gray traveling-suit, the coat of which lay tossed over the back of a near-by chair. A large patent-leather traveling-case lay beside it.

More opportunely than any man could have dared to hope, the White Linen Nurse appeared suddenly on the scene in her little blue serge wedding-suit with her traveling-case in her hand. With a gasp of relief the Senior Surgeon took her case and his own and went on down the path to his car and his chauffeur leaving the two women temporarily alone.

I'd better get a doctor for you first, hadn't I?" "No, indeed! All I need is some fresh things." Banneker set off at a brisk pace. He found the extravagant little traveling-case safely closed and locked, and delivered it outside his own door which was also closed and, he suspected, locked. "I'm thinking," said the soft voice of the girl within. "Don't let me interrupt your work."

It was an English traveling-case, with gold-mounted fittings. He saw me staring at it and changed color. "Nice bag, isn't it?" he said. "It was a gift, of course. The the livery stable doesn't run much to this sort of thing." But the fine edge of suspicion had crept into my mind again. Tish did not return to the fire for some time. Before she came back we were all thoroughly alarmed.

During all this travesty of demeanor and phrase, with its tantalizing mockery and its crafty insinuation, Gratz had betrayed no emotion whatever, nor did his eyes lose one whit of their usual placidity as he beheld the Sepoy, with a sort of lithe, animal rapidity, produce a small traveling-case from the wardrobe and return with it to the bag of coin on the table.