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"We'll take ye back to camp for a little visit before we take ye to the 'Pen. A year in the cooler will do ye moore good, Oi'm thinkin', than anny other tratement. Here, Guy, you take the end av the rope and fetch the feller to camp, while I help Caleb." Guy was in his glory.

Condy Dalton," said he, "I can explain all; but in the mane time let me shake hands wid you, and ax your pardon for the bad tratement and provocation I gave you on that unlucky day well may I say so, so far as you are concerned for, as I hear, an' as I see, indeed, it has caused you and your family bitter trouble and sorrow." "Bartle Sullivan! Merciful Father, is this all right? is it real?

"Well, be my sowl," said Darby, who was the first to break the silence that followed these observations; "if you were Lord Cumber himself, instead of his brother, I'd call that same tratement of me as purty a piece of ingratitude as ever came acrass me; me that gave you most of the information that sould them both, I may say an' the letthers too that convicted them, are they forgotten?"

"It would be no wondher that the curse o' God would come on him for his tratement to that unfortunate and respectable family," responded the pedlar. "The curse o' God knows where to fall best," replied Jemmy, "or it's not in the county jail ould Condy Dalton 'ud be for murdher this day."

"I simply spoke to the lady because she spoke first. And bedad, it's glad I am she did, because it's give me the opporchunity to show ye how we mane to convart ye to our views. Navigate the brig for us, and ye'll nayther of ye have any cause to complain of bad tratement from anny of us: refuse, and away ye goes adhrift on a raft, while the lady 'll stay and kape us company."

"Divil a sich a pest ever this house had as the same Art when he was a blackguard," said young Scaddhan; "there was no keepin' him out of it, but constantly spungin' upon the dacent people that wor dhrmkin' in it." "Many a good pound and penny he left you for all that, Barney, my lad," said Mooney; "and purty tratement you gave him when his money was gone."

"All blathershin, Masther Barry," said the uncourteous widow, dropping the knife from her hand, and smacking her fingers: "as for wake mind, it's sthrong enough to take good care of herself and her money too, now she's once out of Dunmore House. There many waker than Anty Lynch, though few have had worse tratement to make them so.