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And therfore seyn sum men, whan thei dreden hem of thefes, on ony weye, or of enemyes; Jesus autem transiens per medium illorum ibet; that is to seyne, Jesus forsothe passynge be the myddes of hem, he wente: in tokene and mynde, that oure Lord passed thorghe out the Jewes crueltee, and scaped safly fro hem: so surely mowe men passen the perile of thefes.

Item a Nazareth ad leucae dimidum, monstrantur in rupe vestigia pedum, quae dicuntur esse Domini nostri Iesu Christi vbi de manibus Iudaeorum, ipsum de alta rupe praecipitare volentium desiluit in istam. De quo saltu quidam intelligunt illud scriptum Euangelicum, Iesus autem transiens per medium illorum ibat.

And therefore say some men, when they dread them of thieves in any way, or of enemies; JESUS AUTEM TRANSIENS PER MEDIUM ILLORUM IBAT; that is to say, 'Jesus, forsooth, passing by the midst of them, he went': in token and mind, that our Lord passed through, out the Jews' cruelty, and scaped safely from them, so surely may men pass the peril of thieves'. And then say men two verses of the Psalter three sithes: IRRUAT SUPER EOS FORMIDO & PAVOR, IN MAGNITUDINE BRACHII TUI, DOMINE. FIANT IMMOBILES, QUASI LAPIS, DONEC PERTRANSEAT POPULUS TUUS, DOMINE; DONEC PERTRANSEAT POPULUS TUUS ISTE, QUEM POSSEDISTI; and then may men pass without peril.