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Human and Traiti circled cautiously, evaluating each other. Hovan watched, hoping the judge's precautions would be adequate, though he didn't suspect Valkan of any true hostility toward Steve not after seeing the K'horan fighter's reaction when Steve accepted challenge.

Yes, Hovan thought, it did sound fitting, and it was another good sign that the man allowed him that liberty. There was no denying a Ranger's status among humans. It might take the Ordeal to find out whether an individual Ranger was worthy of honor from the Traiti, but prisoners had made it more than clear that Rangers were direct representatives of the Terran Sovereign.

Death came to everyone, soon or late; in the long run, it was unavoidable, and at times a self-inflicted death was the only way to preserve honor far preferable to the alternative of living dishonored. The idea of someone destroying his own mind, though even for the same purpose was one that made the Traiti interrogator recoil. Still, at this point it was only a possibility, not a certainty.

It made the Traiti uniforms, both the ship crew's dark gray and the commandos' gray-green, seem even drabber by comparison. Tarlac and Hovan were the only two to enter the bridge itself; the rest of the commandos, their guard duty done, left. Had it been an honor guard? Tarlac wondered. There had been nothing to indicate the contrary.

The Empire had learned that they called themselves Traiti, little more. Once he had his suit on, the Ranger fortunately didn't have to walk far. A standard spacesuit was considerably less massive than a Marine's power armor, but it wasn't light, and it was clumsy in anything approaching a full standard gee. Clumping over to the lock, Tarlac cycled through.

"By that standard, ruhar, this'll likely be the most successful adoption party in Traiti history! But let's not make it a success too early, okay? I'm hungry." "Food good sounds," Hovan agreed. "And I will with you stay, in case anything must translated be. Ka'ruchaya Yarra and I the only two are, who much English speak."

Sure I'll ask her, if I find she's qualified, even if I hate to wish this responsibility on anyone. His Majesty's right, we need a non-human Ranger badly. Especially now that we're integrating the Traiti." "Uh-huh. Good politics, if nothing else." Medart nodded. "Since that damn Firster backshot Steve in the Palace and Hovan took him, there's been sentiment growing for non-humans.

Then he buried is, not to the Lords presented. See you now?" That was quite a taboo, Tarlac thought, taken aback, but why ? He was beginning to put things together: paintings of Madonnas, humans having "so many" females . . . "How much of your race is female?" "One in four." Oh. Dear. God. The Imperial ship had been a threat to Traiti women and children.

By that time the Traiti was going for Tarlac, claws raking air toward the man's face. Trained reflexes had taken over then. Rangers might not be experts in one-on-one combat, but they could make a creditable showing; Tarlac had done a tuck-and-roll, bringing his blaster out to save his own life by a fraction of a second as he fired pointblank, killing the Traiti.

It all fitted so well that Tarlac wondered for a moment if Hovan had been selected to meet him and become his sponsor, the same way he himself had been selected to meet the Traiti. It wouldn't surprise him at all, given what he'd learned, but he didn't let himself dwell on the implications. "Besides that," he went on, "if I don't make it, someone's going to have to get a message to Emperor Davis.