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"I have done you a wrong," he went on steadily. His simplicity was heroic. She did not dare question him. "You have a New England conscience, mon ami," she said, gently ironical. "Your code is meshed in the cobwebs of antiquity. One kisses in the moonlight or one doesn't kiss. What is the difference? It is a pastime not a tragedy. Je M'amusais. I fished for minnows and caught a Tartar voilˆ tout.

The sudden spring, from being a subaltern in the th, with a few hundreds per annum "pour tout potage," to becoming the veritable proprietor of several thousands, with a handsome house in Cumberland, was a consideration which I could scarcely admit into my mind so fearful was I, that the very first occurrence of the day should dispel the illusion, and throw me back into the dull reality which I was hoping to escape from.

And while Baden-Powell is loved in the barrack-room he is ever the most popular figure in the Officers' Mess. There is nothing of the namby-pamby, I mean, in his solicitude for the soldier's welfare, nothing to make him unpopular with his brother officers, nothing that makes even the youngest subaltern a little contemptuous. Tout au contraire.

Dans les doctes debats ferme et rempli de coeur, Meme apres sa defaite il tient tete an vainqueur. Voyez, pour gagner temps, quelles lenteurs savantes, Prolongent de ses mots les syllabes trainantes! Tout le monde l'admire, et ne peut concevoir Que dans un cerveau seul loge tant de savoir." It was soon after the excursion to Poestum, that a packet of letters reached the travellers from Malta.

On voit encore des vestiges de ce désastre; et vers la porte qu'on appelle de Saint-Paul, il y a un quartier tout entier qui n'est pas rebâti.

Votre tout divoue, 'FREDERIC LEMERCIER." It is a lovely noon on the bay of Sorrento, towards the close of the autumn of 1871.

As for art, she is a jade that can't give her lovers even a fire to sit by while they woo her. I'm sorry for her, but I don't see clearly how I can help her by sitting down to starve in her company; so I've made friends with the mammon of unrighteousness you see my orthodox education was not wholly lost upon me! Voila tout!

One side of the pedestal bears the inscription: A Pestalozzi 1746-1827 Monument erige par souscription populaire MDCCCXC On a second side these words are carved in the stone: Sauveur des Pauvres a Neuhof Pere des Orphelins a Stanz Fondateur de l'ecole populaire a Burgdorf Educateur de l'humanite a Yverdon Tout pour les autres, pour lui, rien!

"All to the bridge," she shouted, "aux fagots et aux claies tout le monde! every one to the bridge." "Jeanne, withdraw, withdraw! You are alone," some one said to her. Bareheaded, her countenance all aglow, the Maid replied: "I have still with me fifty thousand of my men."

And why not? we should have been just as wise. Or it might be stated that "The tenth legion charged the French infantry at Blenheim; and Caesar, writing home to his mamma, said, 'Madame, tout est perdu fors l'honneur."