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Another hour went by, two more canticles had just been sung, and the stations of Toury and Les Aubrais had been left behind, when, at Beaugency, they at last ceased their chat, on hearing Sister Hyacinthe clap her hands and intonate in her fresh, sonorous voice: "Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo."

It was commanded by General von und zu der Tann-Rathsamhausen, commonly called Von der Tann, tout court. As Prince Albert of Prussia, on drawing near to Artenay, found a good many French soldiers, both regulars and irregulars, that is Francs-tireurs, located in the district, he deemed it best to retire on Toury and Pithiviers.

This was the first aeroplane fatality. On October 30th, 1908, Farman made the first cross-country flight, covering the distance of 17 miles between Bouy and Rheims. The next day, Louis Bleriot, in flying from Toury to Artenay, made two landings en route, this being the first cross-country flight with landings.

Sundry flights, more or less successful, including the first cross-country flight from Toury to Artenay, kept him busy up to the beginning of November, 1908, when the wreckage in a fog of the machine he was flying sent him to the building of 'number eleven, the famous cross-channel aeroplane.

Another hour went by, two more canticles had just been sung, and the stations of Toury and Les Aubrais had been left behind, when, at Beaugency, they at last ceased their chat, on hearing Sister Hyacinthe clap her hands and intonate in her fresh, sonorous voice: "Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo."

I shall gif you tausend crowns, and die liddle vone shall haf tausend crowns for her toury, and you shall infest it in her name. . . . Und you are not to pe ein zuper any more you are to pe de cashier at de teatre " "I? instead of old Baudrand?" "Yes." "Who told you so?" "Mennesir Gautissart!" "Oh! it is enough to send one wild with joy! . . . Eh!

Mademoiselle was in ecstasies; she insisted on leaving her carriage, and riding at their head, with all the ladies who could sit on horseback; and thus we came to Toury, where were the Duke de Nemours and others of the Prince's party.

Another hour went by, two more canticles had just been sung, and the stations of Toury and Les Aubrais had been left behind, when, at Beaugency, they at last ceased their chat, on hearing Sister Hyacinthe clap her hands and intonate in her fresh, sonorous voice: "/Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo/."

In October of that year he flew the machine from Toury to Artenay and returned on it this was just a day after Farman's first cross-country flight but, trying to repeat the success five days later, Bleriot collided with a tree in a fog and wrecked the machine past repair.

I shall gif you tausend crowns, and die liddle vone shall haf tausend crowns for her toury, and you shall infest it in her name.... Und you are not to pe ein zuper any more you are to pe de cashier at de teatre " "I? instead of old Baudrand?" "Yes." "Who told you so?" "Mennesir Gautissart!" "Oh! it is enough to send one wild with joy!... Eh!