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It's all on one side, and your hair is sticking out like like Timothy grass. Stand still while I fix it." The girl's deft fingers soon arranged her mother afresh, the old lady protesting all the while, but submitting patiently to the operation. "There, there; you children think of nothing but pushing and patting and tittivating.

"It becomes ye well enough, mistress, and ye know it," contradicted Dinah. "'Tis monotonous, anyway. I can't see why we poor widow-women should be condemned to wear it for life." "You bain't," Dinah contradicted again, and added slily, "d'ye wish me to fetch witnesses?" Her mistress, tittivating the ribbons, ignored the question.

They were inured to the sea and its hardships; many of them were part owners of their own craft, even the man in the red Salvation Army jersey tittivating the six-pounder gun in the last little ship of the line. Exactly how they "strafed" the immoral and ubiquitous Hun submarine it is inexpedient to say.

Supper, coming after dinner, should consist of some gentle provocative; and therefore the tittivating art is again in requisition, and againdone honour to by Mr. and Mrs. Merrywinkle, still comforted and abetted by Mrs. Chopper. After supper, it is ten to one but the last-named old lady becomes worse, and is led off to bed with the chronic complaint in full vigour. Mr. and Mrs.