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Hornby's safe made by the thumb of the prisoner, or was it not? If that thumb-print was made by the prisoner's thumb, then the prisoner must, at least, have been present when the safe was unlawfully opened. If that thumb-print was not made by the prisoner's thumb, there is nothing to connect him with the crime.

He says they 're well worth the value of the bond." "How about that, Rodaine?" The judge peered down the court room. Squint Rodaine scratched his hawklike nose with his thumb and nodded. "They 'll do," was his answer, and the judge passed the papers to the clerk of the court. "Bond accepted. I 'll set this trial for "

Will you pass this ledge, leaving her to fortune?" Rainbow Pete went putting the edge of the cruiser's ax to his twisted thumb. "I come to her in my shoes only," he said. "This is not what she will be wanting. I have no gold." They were shouting to him to have no thought of that, those mad rockmen. There would be gold in plenty. There would be gold. Only go up on the ledge.

What will you do, if you have the misfortune to spill the salt?" "Take a pinch between my finger and thumb, and throw it over my left shoulder," Mrs. Ellmother answered gravely. "Good-day, miss." "Good-day." Emily followed the departing visitor out to the hall. She had seen and heard enough to decide her on trying to break off the proposed negotiation with the one kind purpose of protecting Mrs.

Many a careless Californian had lost a finger or thumb, and more than one had owed it lockjaw. The wild horses advanced rapidly for a time, but when they saw that the brother to which curiosity had attracted them was apparently of an eccentric build they suddenly paused and scattered. Roldan raised the bridle and dashed in pursuit; but the others were unincumbered, fleet of foot and terrified.

She had under her thumb a good-looking boy, Leopold Graillot, a journeyman mechanic, who was clever and rather a poseur: he was the esthete of the company. Although he called himself an anarchist, and was one of the most violent opponents of the burgess-class, his soul was typical of that class at its very worst.

It was years afterward that I saw I'd been sufficiently punished myself. Look!" She leaned toward him and showed him a narrow white line on the soft flesh between her forefinger and her thumb, extending back over her hand. "A thorn," she said. "I shall carry the scar to my dying day." With a little catch in his throat, Allison caught the little hand and pressed it to his lips.

Their results are not yet completely reduced, but the best value deduced so far for the parallax is 8".807 +/ 0".0028. It consisted of a graduated metal circle, suspended by a ring which was passed over the thumb, and hung vertically. A pointer was fixed to a pin at the centre. This arm, called the alhidada, worked round the graduated circle, and was pointed to the sun.

"It's making me thin," she ventured as she shook a little shower of tears off her black lashes and again smilingly regained control of her own hands, but displaying a slender blue-veined wrist for his sympathetic inspection. "Help!" exclaimed David, taking possession of the wrist and circling it with his thumb and forefinger. "Let me send for a crate of eggs and a case of the malt-milk!

Then I remembered how, a month earlier, he had accidentally driven the blade of his axe through the joint of his left thumb, and, merely picking up the white fragment of flesh with the nail turning blue, and scanning it with his unfathomable eyes, had remarked, as though it was he himself that had been at fault: "How often before I have injured that thumb, I could not say.