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I'd advise you to thry. "Och! my owld granny sleeps with her head on a stone, 'Now, Malach, don't throuble the galls when I'm gone! I thried to obey her; but, och, I am shure, There's no sorrow on earth that the angels can't cure. "Och! "Malach!" shouted a laughing group. "How was it that the old lady taught you to go a-courting?" "Arrah, that's a sacret!

He wint clear daft, an' thried to sthruggle to his feet; an', th' more he thried, th' more th' skates wint fr'm undher him, till he looked f'r all th' wurruld like wan iv thim little squirrels that goes roun' on th' wheel in Schneider's burrud store.

"It's a good larrupping they'd git, if they thried that on anyway. Bedad, I'd die aisy an' I could only give that baste Moody the bating I've had in store for him since he and his gang abandoned us, the dhirty schoundrels!" "We must forget the past, considering we've been so mercifully preserved," said Mr Meldrum.

Ivry coolie on the section takes a ticket or he gives 'em the go wanst a month on pay-day. Ivry coolie that wins ut gives ut back to him, for 'tis too big to carry away, an' he'd sack the man that thried to sell ut.

Oh, 'twas lovely, an' stiddy, too! There was the Sargints on the flanks av what was left av us, kapin' touch, an' the fire was runnin' from flank to flank, an' the Paythans was dhroppin'. We opined out wid the widenin' av the valley, an' whin the valley narrowed we closed again like the shticks on a lady's fan, an' at the far ind av the gut where they thried to stand, we fair blew them off their feet, for we had expinded very little ammunition by reason av the knife work."

The people has heart to work wid a gintleman that won't grind thim; an' so sign's on it, every one thrives upon his land: an' dang my bones, but I believe a rotten stick 'ud grow on it, set in case it was thried."

"We were a queer lot, an' no mistake, Piper Tim," she said, scraping at a frying pan with a vigorous knife. "An' the childer are just like us. I've thried to tell them some of our old tales, but I dun'no' they've kind o' gone from me, now I've such a lot to do. I suppose you were up to the same always, with your nephews an' nieces out West.

"Well, your honour, he thried to keep himself quite an' asy, an' he thought two or three times he might have wint asleep, but for the way the storm was groanin' and creekin' through the great heavy branches outside, an' whistlin' through the ould chimnies iv the castle.

'On'y a few weeks ago they thried to desthroy me be dumpin' a load iv coal on me, he says; 'an' now, he says, 'they're goin' to smother me in feed, he says. 'They'll be rollin' bar'ls iv flour on me fr'm th' heights next, he says. 'I'd betther get out, he says.

I had now food enough to last me till I could reach the fort, but how to kape it swate till then was the question. I thried to smoke some, but I did not manage it altogether well. I was still considering what to do when, going into the wood to get some more sticks for my fire, I saw the river running directly in front of me.