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That afternoon tea on the lawn was the beginning of the great change in our life at the rectory. Prior to that Hephzy and I had, golfly speaking, been playing it as a twosome. Now it became a threesome, with other players added at frequent intervals.

Seeing as how I was drillin' around at 6:30 in a doorway up opposite the Café Caroni it looked like I would. But I'd seen Chuck Dempsey drift in all dolled up sporty, and then Mirabelle. As for Vincent, he was right on the dot, as usual. He wasn't tickled to death to find me waitin' for him, either. "Oh, I say, Torchy!" he protests. "You wouldn't want to make it a threesome, eh?" I suggests.

"And wad ye believe it, lassie, the threesome turned on the braid o'their fit an' marched doon the road withoot as muckle as Fair- guid-e'en or Fair-guid-day!" "And what said ye, grannie dear?" said Winsome, who sat on a low seat looking up at her granny.

He's no very bonnie, my dear, but he's leal to them he loves." "I thank you with my heart for your good words," said she. "I have that honour for a brave, honest man that I cannot find any to be answering with." Using travellers' freedom, we spared to wait for James More, and sat down to meat, we threesome.

"Make it a threesome," said the Banker gruffly. "What do you take me for?" and the Very Young Man sighed with the tragedy of youth. Four men sat in the clubroom, at their ease in the luxurious leather chairs, smoking and talking earnestly. Near the center of the room stood a huge mahogany table.

Hephzy, I think, was quite satisfied with things as they were, and I, in spite of my threats and repeated declarations that the present state of affairs was ridiculous and could not last, put off telling "my niece" the truth. I, too, was growing more accustomed to the "threesome."

Love has had a lot of press-agenting from the oldest times; but there are higher, nobler things than love. A woman is only a woman, but a hefty drive is a slosh. A Mixed Threesome

The curate said "Indeed!" and had the astonishing good sense not to say any more. Shortly afterward he said good-by. "But I shall look forward to our threesome, Miss Morley," he declared. "I shall count upon it in the near future." After his departure there was a most embarrassing interval of silence. Hephzy spoke first. "Don't you think you had better go in now, Frances," she said.

The rest disperse by twasome and threesome through the waste, and meet me at the Trysting-pool. Tell my brothers, when they come up, to follow and meet us there. Poor lads, they will hae hearts weelnigh as sair as mine; little think they what a sorrowful house they are bringing their venison to! I'll ride ower Mucklestane-Moor mysell."

And Tootles, breathing hard and shaking, stood on the edge of the stoop, and with tears streaming down her face, watched the car become a speck and disappear. The sun had gone down, and the last of its lingering glory had died before the yawl managed to cajole her way back to her mooring. Dinner was ready by the time the hungry threesome, laughing and talking, arrived at the cottage.