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They'll bury her and this piebald horse, and very soon too," he thought, gazing at the heavily moving, panting horse that kept walking up the wheel that turned under him. "And they will bury her and Fyodor the thrasher with his curly beard full of chaff and his shirt torn on his white shoulders they will bury him.

In the timber fringes and the broad bottoms along the creek you get glimpses of the catbird feasting on the grapes and the wild plums; the brown thrasher and the woodthrush, wholly silent now; the little house wren who has lost her chatter; the vireos and the orioles, the wood pewee, the crested fly catcher and the kingbird. They all seem to be going southward.

"Wait a moment until I come back," said the latter who in a very short time reappeared, breathless with anticipation. "Yes indeed, Melindy Thrasher is going to leave Mr. Verne's Kitty says so. Please let me go down and see. You know I am growing quite old now and ought to be able to do lots of things." "As you wish, Lottie; but remember you must first find out if Mr. Verne is aware of the fact."

Now he pours the dear pain of his gladness! What a gush! and from out what golden springs! What a rage of how sweet madness! "Flutterbudget" is the one expressive word that exactly characterizes a certain brown thrush, or thrasher, the subject of a year's study.

Augustine road, I suddenly became aware of a bird singing somewhere in advance, and as I listened again I said aloud, with full persuasion, "There! that's a thrasher!"

The cocks had crowed two or three times, but no one paid any attention to them; not because the workers did not believe them, but because they were scarcely heard for the noise of the work and the talk about it. At last the whistle of the squire's steam thrasher sounded three miles away, and then the owner came into the barn. He was a straight old man of eighty.

"You see you were mistaken," Mrs. Bobolink told him severely. Everybody agreed with her. And then and there they made Bobby Bobolink a member of the Pleasant Valley Singing Society. There was no doubt that he had sung his song without a bit of help. "It was wonderful!" everybody exclaimed everybody but Buddy Brown Thrasher.

Thrasher, however, the justice before whom the prisoners above mentioned were now brought, had some few imperfections in his magistratical capacity. I own, I have been sometimes inclined to think that this office of a justice of peace requires some knowledge of the law: for this simple reason; because, in every case which comes before him, he is to judge and act according to law.

Supple did not attempt to enter the school-house again, but picked up his hat, went to his boarding-house, packed his trunk, and left town. After a week's vacation, Mr. Cannel, who was the school-agent, obtained another teacher, a thin, pale-faced, quick-tempered young man, Mr. Thrasher. "I'll bring them to their trumps," he said, when Mr. Cannel engaged him.

In the chestnut grove, where a month ago the wood thrush, the rose-breasted grosbeak, and the scarlet tanager were singing, the loiterer now hears nothing but the wood pewee's pensive whistle and the sharp monotony of the red-eyed vireo. The thrasher is silent in the berry pasture, and the bobolink in the meadow. The season of jollity is over.