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I haf see thees caballo in town one mornin', and a girl she is ridin' heem, and everybody is lookin', and so I'm lookin'." He paused to roll a cigarette. "And then," he continued, drawing a deep inhale of smoke, "I haf know quick lak thot" he snapped his fingers sharply "quick lak thot" he snapped his fingers again "there's my potrillo grown big lak a house! And so "

One day she had followed him into the stable, and on the window-sill, among all the cobwebs where it had been put away and forgotten, she found the little bottle of chlorodyne. She took it up, and Jim scolded her gently as if she had been a child. "Yore lil haands is always maddlin'. Yo' put thot down." "What is it?" "It's poison, is thot. There's enoof there t' kill a maan.

"Thot train 'ull be startun'." He was silent on the train at first, divided between watching the wife with the child going to sleep in her arms and looking out of the window at the tilled fields and green unforested hills vague and indistinct in the driving drizzle that had set in. They had the compartment to themselves. When the boy slept she laid him out on the seat and wrapped him warmly.

A-ah but them was the good times fer them that had brains. A jackass like me an' Mike, here, we're the fellers thot went on a lookin' fer gold an' givin' no thought to the trees that stood above. An' thim that took the gold an' the trees, they're the ones thot's payin' wages now to the likes of Mike an' me." He straightened his back and sent a speculative glance at the forest around him.

Casey kept squinting and aiming, and then, just as he pressed the trigger, the train started with a sudden lurch. "Sp'iled me aim! Thot engineer's savin' of the Sooz tribe! ... Drill, ye terriers, drill! Drill, ye terriers, drill! ... Shane, I don't hear yez shootin'." "How'n hell can I shoot whin me eye is full of blood?" demanded Shane. Neale then saw blood on Shane's face.

It war a call fur men ter look higher ter whar thar is melodies too solemn 'nd sweet fur ther dull ears uv poor mortality ter hear, ter whar ez picters too fair fur our darkened eyes ter see, but which all august is a-waitin' fur us. "When I war sick, I thot one night I hearn Margery prayin' fur me; some uv thet music ter-night seemed like a rehearsal uv thet prayer." "Why, Mr.

Who'd a thot the like o' her had got a whore's forehead? An' tokened at that tokened to a sailor-man by name o' Noy. Let'n come home, let'n come home an' call the devil as did it to his account. Let the Lard see to't so that man edn' 'lowed to flourish no more. I be tu auld an' broken for any sich task. 'For the hurt o' the darter o' my people I am hurt."

I LIKE thot uz the first word an' the last. An' behind thot like no men can go an' find the WHY o' ut. I LIKE Samuel, an' I like ut well. Ut uz a sweet name, an' there be a rollun' wonder un the sound o' ut thot passes onderstandun'."

But Mulvaney an' me stopped thot, knowin' Orth'ris's work, though niver so cliver, was nobut skin-deep. An' at last Mrs. DeSussa fixed t' day for startin' to Munsooree Pahar. We was to tek Rip to t' stayshun i' a basket an' hand him ovver just when they was ready to start, an' then she'd give us t' brass as was agreed upon. An' my wod!

"An' Ah divn't see thot a mon is i' fettle for gooin' on to live; an' Ah divn't see thot there is owt for t' livin' for. Hear now, lads! Ah'm tired tired. There's nobbut watter i' ma bones, Let me die!" The hollow of the arch gave back Learoyd's broken whisper in a bass boom.