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To be sure, there was an intense trouble and disquiet in the thought that she and Mr. Elsmere must meet again probably many times. The period of his original invitation had been warmly extended by the Thornburghs. She believed he meant to stay another week or ten days in the valley.

Leyburn's thin mittened hand awhile tenderly in her own; Robert and Agnes set up a lively gossip on the subject of the Thornburghs' guests, in which Rose joined, while Catherine looked smiling on. She seemed apart from the rest, Robert thought; not, clearly, by her own will, but by virtue of a difference of temperament which could not but make itself felt.

To be sure, there was an intense trouble and disquiet in the thought that she and Mr. Elsmere must meet again, probably many times. The period of his original invitation had been warmly extended by the Thornburghs. She believed he meant to stay another week or ten days in the valley.

The young man ransacked his memory on the subject with a sudden access of interest in his new home that was to be. Six weeks later they were in England, and Robert, now convalescent, had accepted an invitation to spend a month in Long Whindale with his mother's cousins, the Thornburghs, who offered him quiet, and bracing air.

The Lady Thornburghs Syrup of Elders. Take Elder-berries when they be red, bruise them in a stone Mortar, strain the juyce, and boil it to a consumption of almost half, scum it very clear, take it off the fire whilest it is hot, put in sugar to the thickness of a syrup; put it no more on the fire, when it is cold, put it into Glasses, not filling them to the top, for it will work like Beer.

Agnes had coaxed her into a white dress as being the least startling garment she possessed, and she was like a Stothard picture with her high waist, her blue sash ribbon, her slender neck and brilliant head. She had already cast many curious glances at the Thornburghs' guest. 'Not a prig, at any rate, she thought to herself with satisfaction, 'so Agnes is quite wrong.

Elsmere had received them, and had then retired to a little cottage of her own close by. She had of course already made the acquaintance of her daughter-in-law, for she had been the Thornburghs' guest for ten days before the marriage in September, and Catherine, moreover, had paid her a short visit earlier in the summer.

Leyburn's passions, and a tea party always gratified them to the full. 'Mamma asks as if really she wanted an answer, remarked Agnes drily. 'Dear mother, can't you by now make up a tea party at the Thornburghs out of your head? 'The Seatons? inquired Mrs. Leyburn. 'Mrs. Seaton and Miss Barks, replied Rose. 'The rector won't come.

Leyburn's passions, and a tea-party always gratified them to the full. 'Mamma asks as if really she wanted an answer, remarked Agnes dryly. 'Dear mother, can't you by now make up a tea-party at the Thornburghs out of your bead? 'The Seatons? inquired Mrs. Leyburn. 'Mrs. Seaton and Miss Barks, replied Rose. 'The rector won't come.

Elsmere had received them, and had then retired to a little cottage of her own close by. She had of course already made the acquaintance of her daughter-in-law, for she had been the Thornburghs' guest for ten days before the marriage in September, and Catherine, moreover, had paid her a short visit in the summer.