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Sis squeezed up a little closer against her father's shoulder. "Did they fight, pap?" "Lord bless you, no. I thes taken am' flung my han' in Duke's collar an' fetched 'im a shake er two, an put 'im in a good humour thereckly; an' then airterwerds Tip Watson sot 'em all right when he read out the letter you foun' on the floor." "Oh, pap!"

There were thes dansants, musicales, concerts, of which the Sousa concert in Boston was the most important, operettas, masques, garden parties, costume parties, salad demonstrations, candy sales, bridge parties; a moving-picture film of Wellesley went the rounds of many clubs, from city to city, through New England and the Middle West.

I retained frazier to assist in skining the Elk. we wer about this time joined by drewer. a large brown bear swam the river near where we were and drewyer shot and killed it. by the time we butchered thes 2 elk and bar it was nearly dark we loaded our horses with the best of the meat and pursud the party and found them encamped as they had been directed in the first timber. we did not reach them until 9 P.M. they informed us that they had seen a very large bear in the plains which had pursued Sergt.

As she hovered a moment at the gate, blushing and smiling, the old mountaineer turned the brim of his hat back from his eyes and called out with a great pretence of formal hospitality "Walk in an' rest yourselves; thes walk right in! Hit's lots too soon in the season for the dogs to bite. Looks to me, Cap, like you hain't so mighty tender wi' that 'ar hoss er your'n.

When a man lays off for to keep up wi' the wimmiu folks, he kin thes make up his min' that he'll have to git in a dark corner an' scratch his head many a time when he oughter be a-diggin' for his livin'. They'll addle 'im thereckly." "Well," said Woodward, with an air of determination, "I'm going back with you and hear what Miss Sis has to say. Sit down.

The Son is also called the Sanctifier, Heb. ii. 21. He sanctifieth and cleanseth the Church with the washing of water by the word, Eph. v. 26. The Spirit is also said to sanctify, 2 Thes. ii. 13. 1 Pet. i. 2. Rom. xv. 16. Hence we are said to be washed and sanctified by the Spirit of God, 1 Cor. vi. 11.

Upon a slab over the grave is carved: "Good frend, for Jesus' sake forbeare To digg the dust encloased heare; Bleste be ye man yt spares thes stones, And curst be he yt moves my bones." And so our greatest poet lies not beneath the great arch of Westminster but in the quiet church of the little country town in which he was born.

This is none other than the great apostasy that must precede the "Day of the Lord" according to II Thes. 2:2, 3. The believer's security in this unceasing warfare is treated at length in another chapter. Satan, though proposing to supersede the Almighty, is not Omnipotent: but his power, and the extent of his activity are immeasurably increased by the co-operation of his host of demons.

Woe to thee, O land, which bears professed Papists and avouched Atheists, but cannot bear them who desire toabstain from all appearance of evil,” 1 Thes. v. 22, for truth and equity are fallen in thee, andhe that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey,” Isa. lix. 14, 15.

I never know'd what the all-overs wuz tell thes about a hour before me an' Teague wuz married. We 'uz thes about ready for to go an' face the preacher, when ma comes a-rushin' in an' she won't never be no paler when she's laid out than she wuz right that minnit.