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Lavantur, wash themselves, i.e. bathe; like Gr. louomai. So aggregantur, 13; obligantur, 21, et passim. Calida, sc. aqua, cf. in Greek, thermo louesthai, Aristoph. Nub. 1040. In like manner Pliny uses frigida, Ep. 6, 16: semel iterumque frigidam poposcit transitque.

At this end of the line I merely measure the electromotive force developed by the difference in temperature of two similar thermo- electric junctions, opposed. We call those junctions in a thermopile 'couples, and by getting the recording instruments sensitive enough, we can measure one one-thousandth of a degree. "Becquerel was the first, I believe, to use this property.

The electromotive force of each thermo-electric element did not exceed 0.036 of a volt, and 1,800 elements were therefore necessary to work an incandescence lamp. A most useful application of the thermo-electric battery for measuring radiant heat, the thermo pile, was exhibited.

He lifted it experimentally and opened part of its case to make sure the thermo battery that would power it in an emergency was there and in working order. It was. "Put this on a horse, Thal," commanded Hoddan. "We're taking it up to Don Loris'." The red-headed man's mouth dropped open. He said stridently: "Hey! You can't do that!" Hoddan turned upon him and he said sourly: "All right, you can.

In order to produce relatively strong currents, even in case of sound-action of a minimum strength, Franz Kroettlinger, of Vienna, has made an interesting experiment to use thermo electric currents for the transmission of sound to a distance. The apparatus which he has constructed is exceedingly simple.

The health of the passengers is carefully guarded during the voyage. The science of thermodynamics has been brought to as great perfection as possible. Not alone is the heating thoroughly up to modern science requirements but the ventilation as well, by means of thermo tanks, suction valves and exhaust fans. All foul air is expelled and fresh currents sent through all parts of the ship.

We're plague-ridden keep aloof and watch to see if we break out in purple spots!" Ali was lifting thermo lids from the containers and now he suddenly arose and bowed in the direction of the blank wall. "Many, many thanks," he intoned. "Nothing but the best a sub-commander's rations at least! We shall deliver top star rating to this thoughtfulness when we are questioned by the powers that shine."